Sunday, March 16, 2025

Race Report: One City Half-Marathon, 3/2/2025

I ran the One City Half-Marathon on Sunday, March 2, finishing in a time of 1:38:51 which was good enough for the age group win.

This was the third time I've run the One City Half, and I continue to be impressed by how well managed this race is.  I left my hotel in Hampton at 4:45 am, and by 5:05 I had parked my car at the finish line in one of the many parking lots that was open and boarded a school bus to the start.  The bus arrived at the start area at 5:45 am, 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  Once there, I was able to hang out inside a school gym (the start line is on the campus of a local high school) until it was time to start warming up.

"Warming up" requires quotes.  It was a frigid, bone-chilling morning - the air temperature was 28 degrees but the strong winds resulted in a "feels like" of 19 degrees.  Mindful of my experience at the Jingle All the Way 15K in December, I deliberately dressed warmly, with thick running rights and a jacket over a tank top, plus a buff to keep my neck warm.  A small part of me had worried that I might be overdressed, but jogging my warm-up convinced me that I had made the right call. If anything, I was still cold.


With about 5 minutes before the start, I slurped a gel and then ducked under a rope into the start corral, seeding myself behind the 1:45 pace group - I intended to run faster than that, but I also knew that I would be starting conservatively.

I had wrapped myself in a space blanket from a previous race, which I clung to until 2 minutes before the start. That final 2 minutes seemed like 10, and then the race started.

I was pleasantly surprised to note that, though my normal first two miles stiffness was still there, it was muted.  I sat behind the 1:45 group until I loosened up and was able to start opening my stride, and then I started working my way forward. One issue I hadn't foreseen was that the 1:45 group was large enough to completely block the course.  However, several people very nicely moved over in response to my request, and I was able to start building up pace.  

The first two miles were in a head to cross wind, but most of the rest of the course would be with the wind at our backs.  Sometimes I noticed the tailwind and sometimes I didn't - I think that's pretty consistent with tailwinds - we never feel just how much they are helping us.

I worked my way into a hard rhythm that felt like something I could hold to the finish.  It did feel a bit more conservative than tempo effort normally feels - having not raced in a while, I think I was tentative in judging my own fitness and didn't trust my mental ability to push hard into discomfort for an extended period of time. I fortunately did have a steady stream of people to reel in, so I focused on that while ticking off miles.  

The course flowed as it always did - a few stride hiccups on my part when the course routed through Christopher Newport University (there are speed bumps there and some uneven decorative pavement that I have a hard time with).  There were also a few segments where we ran into the wind, which just made me appreciate the tailwind segments even more.

I had told myself that at mile 10 I'd try to pick it up, and right on cue at that mile marker I spotted a figure with long hair in the distance.  I wasn't sure it was female, but I decided to try to reel the figure in to find out.  Over the next two miles I pushed some more, getting pretty uncomfortable.  

By mile 12, she was almost in reach.  I decided then and there that she was likely in my age group and found another gear. With about 300m to go I passed her and tried to keep accelerating, however the final 90 degree turn and a timing mat broke up my stride and she caught me right before the finish.  I was a bit disappointed to be caught, but mostly happy that I had been able to kick and compete.

(and it turned out that she was in the 35-39 age group, so not an age group threat).


Splits were:

Mile 1: 8:18
Mile 2: 7:45
Mile 3: 7:34
Miles 4-5: 15:04
Mile 6: 7:35
Mile 7: 7:34
Mile 8: 7:36
Mile 9: 7:28
Mile 10: 7:32
Mile 11: 7:16
Mile 12: 7:15
Mile 13: 7:05
last bit: 48 seconds.

So this was pretty well paced - a slow start, then hitting a steady rhythm before picking it up in the last 3 miles. Of course, I wish those steady rhythm miles were faster, but that was partially the cold, partially a lack of confidence, and partially a lack of fitness.   As a rustbuster for my spring season, I'm happy with it.

Other notes:

  • I experimented some with my pre-race morning routine this year.  I'm always trying to loosen up really tight muscles that limit my range of motion and keep my stride too short.  In the past I've relied on pre-run stretching and mobility, but this time I went with foam rolling - focusing especially on my quads, calves, shins, and back, since those are my big limiters.  And it seemed to help.
  • Also helpful was using a vibrating massage ball on the bus to the start line.  I've found that if I use it on the highest setting and hold it against my muscles, it seems to relax some of the most tense muscles.  I'll definitely be packing it for future races.
  • This year, I drove down by taking US 301 to US 17, bypassing the interstate entirely.  On the way back, I took I-64 to Richmond and I-95, but then exited I-95 south of Fredericksburg to get over to 301 to take that back to the DC area.  The diversion was required because our kitten Karma stayed over with her former foster mom in southern Maryland while I was racing - I dropped her off on the way down and picked her up on the way back.  But it also saved me a lot of driving stress from the parking lot that is I-95 between DC and Fredericksburg.  I very much recommend this route.
  • I ended up snagging the age group win, and would have also won women's 45-49.  I was honestly a bit surprised that a 1:38 was fast enough to win those divisions, but I think that the cold slowed most people down - everyone I spoke to ran slower than they expected, given the massive tailwind, and attributed it to the cold.

Training log - Week ending 3/15/2025

This week was 60 miles of running and 6 "miles" of pool-running.

Just two workouts this week, both big ones. Tuesday's workout was supposed to be 2x4K, but I lost track of laps during the second rep and cut it short (this is where my habit of not paying much attention to splits during workouts backfired).  Not that big of a deal, since I still got most of the work done.

Saturday was a marathon pace workout.  Thankfully this time the park was NOT flooded; actually the weather was pretty nice.  Running off of feel, I averaged a pace in the low 7:40s - I'll be happy if that's my pace on race day.


Monday: 7 miles very easy (9:19).  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including a workout of 4000, 3600, 4x200 in 18:39 (7:30 page), 16:53 (7:33 pace), 53, 53, 51, 51; 5 minute recovery between the long reps and full recovery for the short reps..  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in the evening.

Wednesday: 6 "miles" pool-running and upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: Yoga + 10 miles very easy (9:34) and two strides. Foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 3 miles very easy (10:04) to the gym, upper body weights/core, and 4 miles very easy home (9:36) plus two strides. Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 17 miles, including 2x5 miles in 38:35 (7:48/7:39/7:41/7:42/7:45 - average pace 7:43) and 38:23 (7:44/7:42/7:39/7:37/7:42 - average pace of7:41) with one mile in 8:49 in between. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 8.5 miles very easy on towpath (10:00) plus injury prevention work. Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Training log - Week ending 3/9/2025

This week was 47 miles of running and 15 "miles" of pool-running.

This week was recovery from the One City Half Marathon (still working on that race report). I kept things easy for most of the week before a long run that went fairly well.  

For the long run, I tested out a different shoe - the Adidas Evo SL.  It's the same foam that is in the Adidas Pro, but no plate and no aggressive rocker.  So - it has some of the bounce of a supershoe, but doesn't propel one forward in the same way.

The propelling-one-forward aspect of supershoes is problematic for me, because I lack the eccentric control necessary for managing that propulsion.  The result is that I feel like I'm going to trip over my feet (especially downhill) which in turn causes me to stiffen and shorten my stride.  And so I end up running slower downhill than on the flat.

Based on my test this weekend, the Evo SL doesn't have that problem.  Which makes it an excellent choice for an upcoming marathon with a lot of downhill - like Boston.

There is one catch - since I'm in the professional field at Boston, I have to wear shoes that are on the World Athletics Approved list. And the Evo SL is not on that list.  It meets all the criteria (stack height, etc) - it just hasn't been submitted for inclusion.  So I'm trying to see if I can get someone at Adidas to submit it so that I can wear it (my understanding is that it's really just a matter of submitting a form).


Monday: 3 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 6 miles easy on trails (10:41) plus yoga. Foam rolling in the evening.

Wednesday: 8.5 miles very easy (9:47) to the gym, upperbody weights/core, and 2.5 miles very easy (9:43) home.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 6 "miles" pool-running in the morning.  Pilates and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 9.5 miles very easy (9:30) + upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 20 miles progressive, split as the first 6.5 miles averaging 9:42 pace, the next 6.5 miles averaging 8:39 pace, and the last 7 miles averaging 7:45 pace. Followed with a 1/2 mile cooldown.

Sunday: 6 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling in evening.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Training log - week ending 3/2/2025

This week was 35.5 miles of running and 5 "miles" of pool-running.

This is a belated entry for the week that I raced the One City Half Marathon.  I generally try to finish the race report, post that, and then post the week.  But once again I am behind on blogging, so I'm posting this to stay somewhat on track.

I had to pull out of a track workout on Tuesday when I felt lethargic.  I was pretty sure I knew what the cause was, though.  I've taken Singulair (montelukast) for allergic asthma for years, until last week when due to repeated pharmacy screw ups I had to skip it for a few days. At first I didn't notice much difference, but by Tuesday morning it was clear that I was off - my legs felt heavy, like they weren't getting oxygen.

I managed to finally get my prescription filled on Tuesday morning.  I kept the rest of the week low volume but with some short fast stuff to keep my running gait organized while letting my body recover (doing normal workouts when my asthma is flaring can dig a significant fatigue hole - I wanted to avoid that.

Fortunately, I felt much better for Sunday's race, which didn't go too badly, all things considered.


Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running + yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 4.5 miles, with an abbreviated track workout of 1600, 800 in 7:32, 3:44 with ~5 minute recovery.  (The workout was 2x(1600, 800) - I decided to drop halfway through the 800).

Wednesday: 6 miles very easy (9:26) plus upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 5 miles on the track, including some 100s and 200s at half-marathon effort with long recovery - testing different shoes.  Pilates and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 5 miles on the track, including a 1600 at tempo effort in 7:24.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: Off except for foam rolling and stretching and driving to Newport News.

Sunday: 2 mile warm-up and then One City Half-Marathon in 1:38:51. Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Training log - week ending 2/23/2025

This week was 57 miles of running and 14 "miles" of pool-running.

Yet another late post, because my phone apparently doesn't save my blog drafts.

Weather was again the story this week - most of the week was spent on the treadmill to avoid really cold weather with dry air.

The nice thing about running on the treadmill is that it lets me do an apples to apples comparison of how my fitness is progressing - Friday's workout would not have been doable two weeks ago.

The bad thing about treadmill running is that I have to relearn how to run outside after, as I did this weekend.  Sunday's long run was slower than I wanted, and some of that could have been because I struggled with my balance, though there was also a significant headwind for the second half of the run.


Monday: 9 "miles" pool-running + yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including an interval workout on the treadmill of 8x3 minutes on with 2 minutes jog (8.4-8.5 mph for the on, 6 mph for the off) plus 6x 30 seconds on (9 mph)/30 seconds off (6 mph).  Followed with leg strengthwork. Sports massage in evening.

Wednesday: 10 miles very easy (9:34) on Lever-Runner (-5 pounds) plus upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 5 "miles" pool-running; streaming yoga and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 10 miles on the treadmill, including a tempo workout of 5x7:30 at 8.2 mph with 90 second jog (6 mph) plus 2x40 seconds at 8.8 mph with 80 second jog.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 10.5 miles very easy on trails (10:56) in the morning; upperbody weights/core and foam rolling in the afternoon.

Sunday: 16 miles progressive, split as 6 miles averaging 9:45, 5 miles averaging 8:50, and 5 miles averaging 8:10, plus a half mile jog. Followed with injury prevention work. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Training log - week ending 2/16/2025

This week was 58 miles of running and 5 "miles" of pool-running.

Tuesday's workout was an improvement over last week's, with slightly faster splits.  The rest of the week was challenging due to winter weather.  I was on the treadmill on Wednesday and Thursday due to weather.  On Friday I went to the track for 2x3200 in very windy weather.  Due to dry air my breathing was rough - mental note to stay on the treadmill on these days.  The workout wasn't horrible, but it wasn't smooth and easy either.

Sunday I had my choice between possible rain in the morning or dangerously high winds in the afternoon.  Or the treadmill, but I wasn't considering it as an option at the time.

I chose the morning and the rain, and it was probably the wrong choice.  It poured and poured - reminiscent of Boston 2018, just slightly warmer and with a bit less wind.  I stubbornly completed my planned marathon pace workout, with the single concession being an adjustment of 4, 3, 2, and 1 miles at marathon effort to 4, 3, 3.  But by the end I was frozen and couldn't move, and much of the road was standing water.  I now have confirmed that I can complete a race in that weather (and also that my running raincoat isn't as great as I thought).  I hope I won't need to race in that weather.


Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including a track workout of 1600, 4x800, 400 in 7:37, 3:38, 3:34, 3:33, 3:32, and 1:44 with 5:26 recovery after the 1600 and 2:5x-3:1x recovery after each 800.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 10 miles very easy (9:28) on Lever-Runner (-5 pounds) plus upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 4 miles (9:28) on treadmill in morning; streaming pilates and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 9 miles with 2x3200m on the track in 15:00 (7:32/7:28) and 14:58 (7:32/7:27) with 2:48 jog in between.   Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 9 miles very easy on trails (10:45) in the morning; upperbody weights/core and foam rolling in the afternoon.

Sunday: 16 miles with 4, 3, 3 miles at marathon effort - average paces of 8:06, 8:11, and 8:25 for the three segments.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Training log - Week ending 2/09/2025

This week was 61 miles of running and 3 "miles" of pool-running.

Tuesday was my first team workout on the track in about 8 weeks.  It went well, in that I had much less trouble with the dark and with being passed then in previous years (I suspect part of this is a medication change and part is better stability due to PT work).  The less good part was that I was a bit slower than I had hoped, running the intervals at the same pace as my 3200m repeat the week before.  However, I think some of this can be written off as due to lack of recent experience in running fast outside, and also lousy sleep the night before.

Friday was a longer tempo - I haven't done an 8K tempo in a while, and wasn't necessarily planning to on Friday, but I locked into the right effort level and just went with it.

As for Saturday - I've found that my gait really benefits from running on trails (all the uneven and unpredictable footing) but that I also benefit from running on my treadmill with the Lever Runner to cue good form (I can't comfortably bend at the waist or overstride while using the Lever Runner).  So I did both with a double.  Then Sunday was a 16 mile long run to start building towards Boston.  

My legs were definitely a bit tired on Sunday, which makes sense when I look back at my log - I usually try to hang out at around 55-60 miles per week, but I've been between 30-45 for the last month due to Covid recovery, schedule conflicts, etc.  Since 55-60 is my normal mileage, I'm not too worried about jumping right back to that level from an injury standpoint.  But some fatigue will be normal until I adjust.

On a different note - I was invited to be on the Run Farther & Faster podcast this week, hosted by two local runners whom I really admire - Lisa Levin and Julie Sapper.  Give it a listen if you are so inclined.


Monday: 5 miles very easy (9:33) and yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including a track workout of 2x800, 2x1200, 2x800 in 3:40, 3:43, 5:29, 5:28, 3:37, 3:34, and 1:45, with 2:4x-3:1x recovery after each.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 10.5 miles very easy (9:54) plus two hill sprints.  Yoga and foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: Upperbody weights/core + 3 "miles" pool-running in the morning; massage in the afternoon.

Friday: 10 miles with an 8K tempo in 37:55 (7:34/7:31/7:36/7:39/7:35) plus two 200s in 58 and 55 with full recovery. Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 6 miles very easy on trails (10:42), streaming pilates, and 3 miles very easy on the arc-trainer at -35 pounds (8:00).  Foam rolling in the afternoon.

Sunday: 16.5 miles progressive - starting at 10:20 pace and ending at 8:02 pace, followed with injury prevention work.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Training log - Week ending 2/2/2025

This week was 43 miles of running and 9 "miles" of pool-running.

This was my first week of running mostly outside after what seems like a very long time on the treadmill (it was only 3 weeks).  Unsurprisingly, running outside is a bit of an adjustment - wind, camber, uneven pavement, and declines are all stuff I can't replicate on the treadmill.

I started off with a tempo because the slower pace made it a bit easier to transition, followed by hills because I needed to do hills.  Both were OK.  I think I was hoping for some miraculous boost in fitness from my treadmill workouts, but all indications were that I either preserved my fitness or had a slight gain.  Which, of course, is not the worst possible outcome.

The One City half-marathon is now a month away, and Cherry Blossom and Boston aren't far either, so it's time to start getting a bit more focused.


Monday:  3 "miles" of pool-running and yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 7 miles, including a track workout of 3200, 1600 in 14:41 (7:23/7:18) and 7:18 with 4:36 recovery between the two.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 10 miles very easy (9:44) plus two hill sprints.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 4 miles very easy (8:12) on the Lever Runner (-35 pounds) in the morning; streaming pilates and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 8 miles, including 8 Iwo Jima hill repeats (2:30 powerful up a 3% incline, 90 second jog, ~50 second downhill stride, and 50 seconds jog to bottom).  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: In the afternoon, upperbody weights/core and 6 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in the afternoon.

Sunday: 10 miles easy (9:27) plus upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Training log - Week ending 1/26/2025

 This week was 32 miles of running and 9 "miles" of pool-running.

I thought I wrote up and published an entry for this week, but it's not showing now, so this is my second try.  Since I'm now a week behind, I'll just note that I took two days off this week to recover from some prolotherapy injections in my right hamstring and left hip.  These weren't to address a major injury - rather, several people have suggested to me that the repeated problems I've had with my right hip rotators are due to some lingering damage to the right hamstring that I tore about 10 years ago.  So, before I started a new training cycle, I did a round of prolotherapy to hopefully strengthen that area up a bit.

The doctor that I use for prolo usually lets me run right away, but this time he suggested 48 hours off, so that's what I did.


Monday:  9 "miles" of pool-running and yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: 8 miles on the treadmill, including a tempo intervals workout of 6x4 minutes at 8.2-8.3 mph with 72 second jog at 6 mph.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Sports massage in evening.

Wednesday: Off except for foam rolling in evening. (prolotherapy injection in morning)

Thursday: Upperbody weights/core in morning and foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 6 miles very easy on the treadmill (9:41) in the morning.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 8 miles on the treadmill, with a tempo intervals workout of 4x5 minutes at 8.2-8.3 mph with 1 minute jog at 6 mph, followed by 6x30 seconds at 8.8-9.0 mph with 90 second jog at 6 mph.  Followed with leg strengthwork and foam rolling in the afternoon.

Sunday: 10 miles easy (9:27) plus upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Training log - Week ending 1/19/2025

This week was 44 miles of running and 6 "miles" of pool-running.

Our weather has not been good for running this week.  The local trails have been either snow/ice covered or visually clear but subject to patches of black ice.  And the weather has been frequently very cold - I find now that when it gets into the mid-20s or lower, my muscles get super tight and I'm prone to injury.  The air has also been very dry, which aggravates my asthma.

So, because of the weather, I was on the treadmill all week.  Saturday actually seemed like it would be a good day to do a hill workout outside, but black ice quickly sent me back to my treadmill.  Sunday morning was another opportunity to run outside, but I slept in after getting my second Shingles vaccination on Saturday afternoon (basically checking off that box before starting to train for One City/Cherry Blossom/Boston).

Since I'm between training cycles right now, I spent this week doing hills and tempo intervals - giving me a chance to work on power and stamina. My paces have continued to speed up as I come back from Covid - which is much better than the reverse.

I also continued to experiment with my Lever Runner.  When it's set at -5 pounds, it feels essentially like normal running, but with constant reminders to not hunch over or overstride.  On Sunday, I tried running at -35 pounds, and I think that's a helpful setting for me also, though I wouldn't want to train with that much of an assist all the time.

Running while weighing 35 pounds less feels very much like running downhill, which is a good opportunity to practice staying relaxed while the ground falls away from me.  

Another bonus is that running with that much weight reduction allows me to run with a very big stride and proper cadence while still keeping my heart rate and effort in the recovery zone.   From a Parkinsons/neurologic standpoint, it would be idea to run with a big fast stride every time.  However, from an orthopedic/endocrine standpoint I need easy low effort days.  Using the Lever runner at this setting lets me do both.

I obviously can't train with the Lever runner, or even the treadmill, all the time.  I need to be running outside on different surfaces and with downhills and cambers.  But I think that after the weather clears I'll still try to run with the Lever runner regularly, just so I can reap some of its benefits as well.


Monday:  6 "miles" of pool-running and yoga.  Foam rolling in the evening.

Tuesday: Upperbody weights/core and 8 miles very easy on the treadmill (9:10) with the Lever runner set at -5 pounds. Foam rolling in the afternoon.

Wednesday: 5 miles very easy on the treadmill (9:17) at midday.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 5.5 miles on the treadmill, including a tempo intervals workout of 3x7:30 at 8 mph with 90 second jog at 6 mph.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 7.5 miles very easy on the treadmill (9:12) with the Lever runner set at -5 pounds. Upperbody weights/core in the afternoon. Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 8 miles on the treadmill, with an "Iwo Jima Hills" workout of 8 reps of 2:00 at 8 mph on a 3% incline, 90 second flat jog (6 mph), 30 second stride at 8.5-8.8 mph, and a 60 second jog (6 mph).
 Leg strengthwork and foam rolling in the afternoon, followed by second Shingles vaccination.

Sunday: 10 miles very easy on the treadmill (8:13) with the Lever runner set at -35 pounds.  Foam rolling in evening.