Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ironic posting hiatus

Yup -- blog's been a bit quiet the last few days.

By way of explanation, a major water pipe burst in my condo last week, severing my internet connection and soaking all of my computers plus my cell phone (and various other possessions).   I am amused to report that the one bit of technology that evaded the water was my waterproof Garmin.

My running shoes were completely soaked; while my bathing suits stayed dry where they hung.

Anyhow, the inundation of my condo with water means that I've had many other obligations to attend to -- getting things dried out, regaining internet access, dealing with two insurance companies plus my building's other owners plus the DC government get the picture.  I find it an amusing twist of fate, that I am currently unable to spare much time to update my pool-running blog, due to my living room being turned into a wading pool of sorts.

Hopefully, I'll be back to my personal variant of normal next week.


  1. Hi DW. Lalala here. I'm adding your blog to my reader.

  2. ugh! I'm really hoping your condo is better! that is terrible! good luck this weekend!
