Sunday, August 11, 2024

Training log - Week ending 8/11/2024

This week was 22 miles of running, 15 minutes of rowing, 1:20 of on eliptical/arc-trainer/stairclimber, and 26 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Another week of mixing running and cross-training.   My hip felt better but still needed work, so I had a second visit with the pelvic floor specialist.  In the meantime, I kept mixing easy running with cross-training volume and some cross-training workouts - shorter intervals on Tuesday and longer intervals on Saturday.

The hip felt better after the second session - since I thought I might have been too aggressive after last Friday's appointment, this time I cross-trained on Saturday before a few cautious miles on Sunday.  My hip was sore for the first mile, and then better.

At this point, I think that the remaining pain is mostly nerve pain that needs to be worked through (several nerves, including the sciatic and obturator nerves, touch on the obturator. I tend to protect that hip, which makes it stiff, which irritates the nerve.  So I need to unwind that. 

Monday: 9 "miles" pool-running and upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 6 miles very easy on gentle hills (9:41) and 5 "miles" of pool-running, including a workout of 8x3:00hard with 60 seconds of recovery, followed with leg strengthwork. Massage in evening.

Wednesday: 4 miles very easy on track (9:28) and 6 "miles" of pool-running. Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 8 miles very easy on the track (9:35), followed by upperbody weights/core. Foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 15 minutes of rowing intervals.  Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 1 hour on the arc-trainer, including a workout of 4x7:00 hard with 3:00 recovery.  Followed with 20 minutes easy on elliptical and 10 minutes easy on stair-climber (to mix up the stresses on the legs).   Later, did upper body weights/core and foam rolling.

Sunday: 4 miles very easy (9:51) and 6 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in evening.

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