Monday, October 28, 2013

Training log - week ending 10/27/13

This week was 7 miles of “real running” and 12,000 yards of swimming  -- training log is here.  

I'm getting better at swimming, so yay.  I'm not fast, or even average, but sometimes I get dirty looks from the old ladies in the slow lane, and have to relocate to "medium".  I can successfully execute a flip turn (success has many definitions - here it means that I don't end up in the next lane over and don't hit my head...) and I can do freestyle for an hour pretty comfortably.

I'm not a real swimmer yet, and may never be.  For one thing I do stuff like log 3500 meters in Wilson as 3500 yards, though I understand that's not quite the case.  I'm also the slowest kick boarder ever, and I don't DARE try backstroke or (*shivver*) butterfly.  But I've got something aerobic I can do, and I'm getting better at it.

As far as injuries go, I went for a consult with a doctor specializing in "physical medicine and rehabilitation."  His work is mainly prolotherapy, PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy, and other related stuff.  After reviewing my MRI reports, my history, and doing a physical exam, he stated "your report has PRP written all over it."

I was and am slightly cynical.  On the one hand, this guy's an expert in PRP and that type of stuff.  On the other hand, when you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.  There was a small part of me that wondered if he saw anyone that didn't have PRP written all over them.  And I'd like to see some more favorable solid scientific studies in favor of PRP - there's not that much conclusive research in people.

PRP is not covered by insurance and is not cheap (though it is cheaper than equine vet bills).  That's another factor.

[the procedure I'm getting will run me about $1200, if you were curious]

[high hamstring tendon issues can also linger for years.  If you were curious]

[I'd really like to be able to train for Boston in the spring.  Dunno if you were curious about that]

I've discussed with two people who had PRP done, and both said they'd do it again without question, and it was worth the cost.  One of these people got it from the same doctor I'm going to, for the same condition (high hamstring tendon).  I also ran it past several PT friends and my coach, all of whom thought it was worth a shot (teehee).  So, I'm going to go for it.

I'll be getting stabbed all over the place.   The process involves drawing blood, spinning it down to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it where you need healing to occur.  Since the main cost is from the blood drawing and spinning, not the injections, it makes sense to get shots everywhere you think they'll help - more bang for your buck.  So I'll be getting them in my left hamstring at the origin (butt), all over my right foot (plantar, peroneal, and some loose ligaments), and possibly my back, depending on the conclusion from some diagnostics.  I think I'm also going to ask if I can get a shot in my right groin - since we're going to all this trouble, I might as well take a stab (teehee) at that old issue too.

Then I go home and lay on the couch for the weekend - fortunately, this is a good weekend to do so - I'll stream the NYC marathon on one computer and the Maclay finals on the other on Sunday.

After that, I'll swim with a pull buoy for a while - anywhere from a few days up to 2 weeks.  Supposedly the PRP will make things worse in the short run, but I should start seeing improvement in about 3 weeks.

We shall see.  I'm scheduled for this Friday, with a blog report to follow.  Since I'm becoming a large size voo-doo doll, I'm opening myself up for dedications.  Just let me know whose name you want written on my foot, butt, etc, and it shall be done.


In the morning, injury prevention work and upper body weights.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, injury prevention work, lower body weights and then 2750 yards of swimming.  PT appointment mid day.  Foam rolling at night.

:   In the morning, injury prevention work and 3000 yards of swimming.  Sports massage at night.

In the morning, injury prevention work and 2750 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, injury prevention work and jogged 2 miles easy (per PT's orders).    Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, upper body weights and injury prevention work, followed by 3500 yards of swimming.  

Spent the morning cheering at Marine Corps Marathon.  Later, I did lower body weights and injury prevention work, plus 5 miles running easy, per PT's orders.  Also did some foam rolling.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Training log - week ending 10/20/13

This week was 12 miles of “real running” and 12,000 yards of swimming  -- training log is here.  

And...another setback.  My left hammy/butt was no longer feeling like sciatica (for one thing, my left foot wasn't cramping), but was still hurting, so I went back to my orthopedist to request an MRI.  Got it on Friday and....

"There is edema within the left hamstring tendon origin with trace fluid signal intensity
at the attachment to the ischial tuberosity. There is also mild adjacent soft tissue edema.
Findings are compatible with a low­grade partial tear."


Brian made sure I was aware that
my pelvis was "grossly unremarkable."
Well, there goes my self-esteem....
[there was also some mention of problems with my right groin - an osteitis pubis/adductor issue.  That's old news. My right groin and I reached a truce about 2 years ago.  I promised to avoid running fast downhill for extended periods of time, especially on the Capital Crescent; in exchange it would stop complaining.  And we've both kept to that promise.]

Despite the ominous word "tear", there's a lot of evidence that this isn't that bad, and was caught early.  It's always good to see words like "minimal," "mild," and "low grade."  Plus according to the report the tear itself wasn't visible on the MRI, it's just a conclusion based on what the surrounding tissue is like.

But, my plan of action is pretty clear.  I was never going to run a spectacular Richmond half marathon anyway, given that it's a month away, and I'm not really in great shape.  So better to shut things down completely, practice swimming for a bit while rehabbing.  And working on total body strength and functional fitness so that when I'm ready to go, I'm REALLY ready to go. 

It's not giving up.  It's moving forward.

In the meantime, I've got plenty of stuff the next few weeks to occupy myself.  Between Halloween festivities, watching indoors fanatically, cheering for friends at their fall marathons, and rock concerts, I'll be busy.  Oh, and work.  And rehab - my PT said he was OK with a week or so not swimming, but then wants me to start up with gentle jogging again.

Hard to call it a bad week when I got to see Trent et al
for the 12th, 13th, or 14th time (I've lost count). 
You haven't lived until you've seen "March of the Pigs" performed live.


In the morning, injury prevention work.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, injury prevention work and then 2500 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

:   In the morning, upper body strength work, yoga, and 3000 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 7.5 miles easy,  followed by 1000 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 4.5 miles very easy, and then an MRI.    NIN at night.

In the morning, upper body weights and injury prevention work, followed by 3000 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling in the afternoon.

In the morning (after cheering at Army 10 miler) lower body weights and injury prevention work, and then 2500 yards of swimming.  Restorative yoga and foam rolling at night.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Training log - Week ending 10/13/13

This week was 50 miles of “real running” and 5000 yards of swimming  -- training log is here.  

[belated and very quick entry - I've been way busy]

Still ramping up the miles.  My fitness feels like it's actually not too bad, though not great.  Cross training does work.

Of course, no uptick is without its set backs, and my hammie decided to get unhappy with me at the end of last week.  Not horrible (I can't feel it when I'm walking at all), but I'm going to take three days off to be careful.  


In the morning, upper body strengthwork and injury prevention work, followed by yoga and then 1500 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 9 miles, including 4x800 on a trail (splits were 3:03, 3:06 (traffic), 2:58, 2:55).  Foam rolling at night.

:   In the morning, 8 miles easy (8:11), followed by yoga.  Later did another 3 miles easy (7:56 pace).  Massage at night.

In the morning, some upper body weights and then a yoga class, followed by 2000 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 11.5 miles.  Skipped my normal tempo due to bad conditions on the trail, instead just doing a progression for the last few miles, dropping down to 6:30 pace for the last half mile.   Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 3 miles easy (8:00 pace), and then 1500 yards of swimming, followed by injury prevention work.  Yoga and foam rolling in the afternoon.

In the morning, 15.5 miles easy (8:08 pace).  Some foam rolling at night.  Also spent 8 hours watching the US Equestrian medal finals.  Stuff like THIS is really hard.  Trust me.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Training log - Week ending 10/6/13

This week was 42 miles of “real running” and 8500 yards of swimming (and a lotta stepmilling) -- training log is here.  

Still ramping back up.  I carefully tested my foot on a track workout this week - doing 4x1200, but keeping the pace very controlled.   Speed was OK, but the repeated turning wasn't - so I'm continuing to do faster running, but keeping it to the trails.  Which is sad - I miss my teammates.  But heck, solo workouts on the trails are better than solo workouts on the stepmill or in the pool.

Of course, with the government shutdown hitting DC pretty hard, I'm arguably breaking the law by running on the trails....oh well.

This was also my first week of trying to do yoga as much as reasonably feasible, to keep my chassis strong, so to speak.  I'm alternating between two studios - the first, Down Dog, offers what is essentially a boot camp/yoga hybrid.  It's about 60-90 minutes of a fast paced series of yoga poses.  It's great for me, in that the sequence (which really doesn't vary much between classes) covers everything I need to hit - bridges, lunges, side planks, one legged balance poses. 

However, the Down Dog classes are also a bit intense, and don't really work as a recovery workout.  So I'm balancing them out with more traditional yoga classes at Tranquil Space.  Tranquil Space offers a wide variety of classes - if I stick with the level 1 classes and the open flow, I get a good stretch and strengthening session without being exhausted afterwards (the Tranquil Space level 2 classes are a different story...)


In the morning, upper body strengthwork and injury prevention work, followed by yoga and then 2000 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 7 miles, including 4x1200 at somewhere between tempo and marathon pace to test my foot on the track, and then a stepmill workout of 8x2:00 hard, 1:00 recovery.  Foam rolling at night.

:   In the morning, 8 miles easy (8:20), followed by yoga and then 2500 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, some upper body weights and then a yoga class, followed by 1500 yards of swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

In the morning, 11.5 miles, including a tempo workout of 2x2 miles, split as 13:41 (6:54/6:47) and 13:20 (6:43/6:37).   Yoga and foam rolling at night.

In the morning, upper bodyweights, 45 minutes on the stepmill, and then 2500 yards of swimming.  Yoga and foam rolling in the afternoon.

In the morning, 15.5 miles as a progression run (first 6.5 in 8:39, next 4 in 8:02, last 5 in 7:22 - multiple long water breaks in here, though), followed by a yoga class.  Some foam rolling at night.