Monday, September 2, 2024

Training log - Week ending 9/1/2024

This week was 33 miles of running, 2:30 on the arc-trainer and 9 "miles" of pool-running  plus some walking on trails-- training log is here.

This week was less pool-running and more arc-trainer-ing.  I also really pulled my mileage back at first to let the muscle get a bit less angry before rebuilding.

The good news is that my hip felt good by the weekend (I guess it really was the pool-running that was aggravating it).  The only discomfort I had was some annoying buzzing down my right leg, which I know is just the sciatic nerve taking its time to calm down.  The bad news was that I had very little power in my legs when I tried to run a bit faster on Sunday.  I've got work to do there.

I also realized by the end of the week that, for me at least, the arc-trainer is not a good substitute for an easy run.  This is because I have to work somewhat hard to keep the pedals moving, meaning that any arc-trainer run is always at least a moderate effort (I can reduce the resistance more, but at some point the pedals are just floating around and it becomes difficult to use the machine). Doing a portion of every run on the arc-trainer means that I never get a truly easy day - not good.  So, I'm going to limit my arc-trainer use to the 2-3 days of each week that are dedicated to hard workouts.

Monday: 7 "miles" pool-running and upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 2 miles very easy on track (9:57) and 60 minutes on the arc-trainer, including a workout of 8x3:00 with 2:15 recovery.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Sports massage in evening.

Wednesday: 4 miles very easy on track (9:31) and 40 minutes on the arc-trainer.  Yoga and foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 40 minutes walking on trails and 40 minutes on the arc-trainer in the morning.  Pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 6 miles very easy on the track (9:55) and 45 minutes on the arc-trainer with a workout of 20x1:00 very hard/1:00 easy.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 4 miles very easy (9:25) on track, an hour of walking on trails, and upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 6 miles on the track, mostly very easy but with a very casual fartlek to see if I could get my legs moving faster (9:39) and then 45 minutes on the arc-trainer with a workout of 20x1:00 very hard/1:00 easy.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

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