Sunday, September 8, 2024

Training log - Week ending 9/8/2024

This week was 31 miles of running, 3:50 hours hiking on trails, 30 minutes on the arc-trainer and 2500 yards of swimming -- training log is here.

More cross-training this week to make up for missing miles.  Since pool-running is currently not an option for easy-day cross training (too much stress on a healing pelvic floor) and the arc-trainer is also out (too hard for an easy day) I went with a mix of hiking and swimming.  The hiking gets me moving at a relatively low intensity while also working on my dynamic balance and the swimming is good for my lungs and can also sub in for upper-body lifting.  I also tried a few careful miles of trail running, which demonstrated that I need to relearn that skill.

[I should also note that I use hiking and trail walking interchangeably because I'm honestly not sure what the distinction is.  Except that hiking sounds more impressive.  I guess it's like running versus jogging.]

I took my first stab at a track workout on Saturday.  I had planned to do this on Friday, and then I screwed up and took my meds at the wrong time and my gait was a mess on Friday morning, so I pushed stuff back to Saturday.  

The workout itself went better than I had expected.  Given how I've felt when doing strides, I sincerely doubted my ability to run much faster than 8:00 pace to start.  But my splits ended up significantly faster than that.  The secret to satisfaction is, as always, low expectations.

Since it was my first workout back, I limited myself to four 800s, which felt like plenty.  Then I swapped to the arc-trainer for 10 reps of 1 minute hard/ 1 minute easy (1/2 of a normal arc-trainer workout).  My hip felt fine the next morning, which was a good sign.  For the next workout, I'll try for a solid 3 miles of work.  I'm keeping stuff on the track for the next week or two, and then will start adding some hills back in.

Monday: 80 minutes of hiking and 500 yards swimming.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 7 miles on track (9:29) - mostly easy but with a warm-up fartlek (3:00, 4x0:30, 4x0:10) and four hill strides.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Streaming yoga and foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 5 miles very easy (9:51) plus 4 hill sprints and 1000 yards swimming.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 1 hour walking on trails and 3 miles very easy on trails (11:29).  Pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 5.5 miles very easy on the track (9:38) plus upper-body weights/core.  Later did another 2.5 miles very easy (9:40) plus 4 hill strides.  Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 8 miles including a track workout of 4x800 in 3:44, 3:42, 3:40, 3:38, with 2:4x recovery between each, followed by 30 minutes on the arc-trainer with a workout of 10x1:00 hard/1:00 easy, and then leg strengthwork. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 90 minutes hiking and 1000 yards swimming. Foam rolling in evening.

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