Sunday, June 2, 2024

Training log - Week ending 5/26/2024

This week was 44 miles of running and 9 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Just a placeholder for another race week as I catch up on stuff.

Monday: 9 "miles" pool-running. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including a track workout of 2x(1600, 800) in 7:15, 3:30, 7:02, 3:25 (recoveries of 3:0x-3:1x between each).  Then did some 200s testing various shoes (all around 52-53 seconds).  Followed with leg strength-work.  
Wednesday: 8 miles very easy (9:35). Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 6 miles very easy on trails (10:01) and upperbody weights/core.
Friday: 4.5 miles testing out shoes on track.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 5 miles very easy (9:30) Foam rolling in afternoon.

Sunday:  Tri-state Games track meet.  Race report here.  10 miles over the course of the day - ran the 5000 in 23:31, the 1500 in 6:43, and the 800 in 3:43.  Then drove home. Foam rolling in evening.

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