Saturday, June 29, 2024

Training log - Week ending 6/23/2024

This week was 39 miles of running, 7 "miles" of pool-running, and 500 yards of swimming -- training log is here.

Once again, a belated catch-up/place holder post.  When you race a lot, it's hard to stay on top of the race reports.  

Monday: 7 "miles" pool-running and streaming yoga. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, with 6x800, 400 in 3:35, 3:36, 3:28, 3:27, 3:25, 3:23, and 1:39.  Recoveries of 2:3x-3:0x after each. Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 6 miles very easy (9:35) + drills, upper body weights/core, 1 mile very easy home (9:50) + strides.

Thursday: 6 very easy on trails (9:48) in the morning; streaming pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 6 miles on the track, including a 1600 uptempo in 7:09 and 2x200 in 49 and 51.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: Off - travel to Boston.

Sunday:  4 mile warm-up and 10K race in 47:49.  Foam rolling in evening.

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