Thursday, July 18, 2024

Training log - Week ending 7/14/2024

This week was 23 miles of running, 250 yards of swimming, and 12 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

This week didn't go quite as planned.....  I showed up for the workout on Tuesday having taken a bit too much levodopa (Parkinsons med).  This is easier than it sounds - sometimes I need a tiny bit extra on bad weather days.  However, this time it was too much, and my dystonia flared.  And it flared at just the wrong moment and I pulled several muscles in my right hip (feels like psoas, adductor, and glute med).

I spent the next few days trying to calm things down, with the hope that I'd be able to race at the Hartford Nationals this weekend.  However, I made it about 20m into my first race and realized that pushing things was a bad idea. So that was that.  

I did still have a fun trip (though not without its challenges).  That race report is in progress, but I didn't want to sit on the weekly report any longer.

Monday: 8 miles very easy (9:35) with some grass running + upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 4.5 miles on the track, including some attempted 800s that I bailed on, and then 250 yards of swimming (also bailed).  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 6 "miles" pool-running and upper body weights/core in morning; sports massage in evening.

Thursday: 3.5 miles very easy (9:46) in the morning Streaming pilates and foam rolling.
Friday: 6 "miles" pool-running in the morning, foam rolling in evening..

Saturday: 3.5 mile shakeout in afternoon (guess 9:20) plus foam rolling in evening.

Sunday:  3 mile shakeout in afternoon (guess 9:20), 800m around 9 pm (4:07).

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