Sunday, July 7, 2024

Training log - Week ending 7/7/2024

This week was 51 miles of running and 7 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Remarkably, I didn't have a race this week.  Or rather, I could have raced (on Thursday) but I decided not to.  I've run eight races over the last six weeks.  Of course, many of those races were less than a mile, but even so, with four more races on the calendar for next weekend, I decided I didn't need to do an extra 5K.

So I just trained this week.  It was a bit refreshing.  On Tuesday I slept in and missed the team interval workout.  Since it was a nice morning (for July) I decided to swap in a tempo workout instead - going with 3200, 1600 since I hadn't tempoed in a while.  Splitting the tempo up was definitely the right choice as going past four laps felt very hard.  I definitely need to start doing more tempos, but that will come when I transition to marathon training.  

Friday morning is usually a tempo workout, but since the weather was pretty rough (both temperature and dewpoint in the mid-70s) the tempo workout was broken up into miles with a short jog (ideally around 2 minutes) in between.  These felt much easier than the continuous 3200, even though the weather was worse.  Again with that 4 lap thing....I may be lacking mental stamina as much as physical stamina.

Outside of running, I spent a lot of time this week working on vestibular rehab.  Basically a lot of time spent a) either on two feet together, two feet in "tandem stance" (one foot right in front of the other), or balancing on one foot while b) moving my head back and forth or up and down while c) closing my eyes or looking at one focal point or another.  It does seem to be helping, though it's a lot of work each day.

After looking at a video of my running last week (which showed a complete lack of hip and knee extension) and doing some test stretches, I realized that I've been cheating on my quad stretches by arching my back - meaning that I bend my back as much as I stretch the quad.  So now I'm taking extra care to engage my abs before I stretch each quad.  My quads are extremely tight when I stretch them that way, which tells me I have a lot of room for improvement.

Monday: 7 miles very easy (9:43) + upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles on the track, including a tempo workout of 3200, 1600 in 14:14 (7:09/7:05) and 7:02 with 5:30 recovery between the two.  Followed with 2x200m in 50 and 49, and then some leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 9 miles very easy on trails (10:19) in the morning; streaming yoga and foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 4 miles very easy (9:51) in the morning before cheering at a 5K, then hitting the gym for upperbody strengthwork and core, plus some foam rolling.
Friday: 9 miles on the track, including 3x1600 at tempo effort (7:17, 7:05, 7:02) with recoveries of ~2:00 and ~2:30 between the two.  Followed with 2x200m in 51 and 51, and then injury prevention work.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 12 miles aerobic (intended to be easy, but HR got out of control because it was hot) (9:29) followed with two hill strides and streaming pilates. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday:  7 "miles" pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

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