This week was 35.5 miles of running and 5 "miles" of pool-running.
This is a belated entry for the week that I raced the One City Half Marathon. I generally try to finish the race report, post that, and then post the week. But once again I am behind on blogging, so I'm posting this to stay somewhat on track.
I had to pull out of a track workout on Tuesday when I felt lethargic. I was pretty sure I knew what the cause was, though. I've taken Singulair (montelukast) for allergic asthma for years, until last week when due to repeated pharmacy screw ups I had to skip it for a few days. At first I didn't notice much difference, but by Tuesday morning it was clear that I was off - my legs felt heavy, like they weren't getting oxygen.
I managed to finally get my prescription filled on Tuesday morning. I kept the rest of the week low volume but with some short fast stuff to keep my running gait organized while letting my body recover (doing normal workouts when my asthma is flaring can dig a significant fatigue hole - I wanted to avoid that.
Fortunately, I felt much better for Sunday's race, which didn't go too badly, all things considered.
Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running + yoga. Foam rolling in the evening.
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