This week was 48 miles of running, 16 "miles" of pool-running,and 1000 yards of swimming -- training log is here.
Race recovery week #2, and I'm happy to say that everything feels pretty good.
The only day that I felt a bit run down was Thursday, though that might have been due to insomnia that I've been dealing with - the result of stopping my prescription antihistamines. I decided to take Thursday very easy as a precaution anyway, just doing some very easy conversational pool-running with the belt. My reasoning was that especially in the first two weeks post-marathon, one should err on the side of more rest. Especially since I'm trying for a quick turn-around and a second marathon, which won't be successful unless I'm fully recovered and fresh from the first.
Maybe an overreaction, maybe not, but I felt really good the rest of the week, so I think it was the right choice. A very easy day at the right time can make all the difference. I had a "long run" of 12 scheduled for this weekend, which I ended up spontaneously running on Saturday, since that's the distance my friends/teammates were running that day. I was surprised at how good my energy levels felt.
(I'm normally a Sunday-long-run type. The Saturday/Sunday long run divide is similar to the toilet roll on top/underneath split - there's not that much practical difference between the two positions, but each has strong and heartfelt advocates. For me, the Sunday long run just makes sense. Like toilet paper rolling from underneath.)
This coming week, I'll ease my way back into training, with a shortened track workout and a long run of 14 (on Saturday, again, so I can cheer at the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday) Then the world's shortest training cycle (one 17 miler, one 21 miler) before tapering again.
Monday: Upper body weights and 7.5 "miles" pool-running. Foam rolling at night.
Tuesday: 4.5 miles easy (9:14) to yoga, yoga, and then 3.5 miles easy home (9:01). Foam rolling at night.
Wednesday: 5 miles easy to yoga (9:38), yoga, and then 4 miles very easy home (8:57), followed by drills and strides. Foam rolling at night.
Thursday: 7 "miles" of very gentle pool-running with a belt. Foam rolling at night
Friday: Yoga and then 9 miles very easy (8:59) plus drills and strides. 1000 yards of very easy swimming and foam rolling at night.
Saturday: 12 miles aerobic (7:57) followed by upper body weights. 1.5 miles pool-running and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Sunday: 10 miles very easy (9:29) plus drills and strides and a yoga class. Foam rolling at night.
A "journey" involving running in place in the deep end. Quite possibly I've gone off the deep end.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Training log - Week ending 10/16/16
This week was 21 miles of running and 17 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.
Race recovery week. I followed what's become my normal post-marathon week plan. Start with very easy pool-running with the belt, then add in yoga. When I'm able to hold all the yoga poses, especially the one-legged balance poses, without being especially shaky, then I'm ready to introduce easy running again.
The first run was a bit achy and sore, and that seems to be the case whether I wait three days post-marathon or ten (I've done both). But my legs improved rapidly, and Sunday's 10 miles felt surprisingly good - I could have gone further, though it would have made no sense to do so.
So, recovery's in progress and I'm already thinking to the next race. In this case, it's actually fairly soon. I may be running the California International Marathon in early December.
Why would I do such a uncharacteristic thing? Because I'm entered (entered way back in March), because I've always wanted to run this race, because I'm curious to see how my quads handle the net downhill course, and because I know quite a few people on the west coast who are running it this year.
I have no delusions about this being a great idea that will advance and improve my running. But it's not a horribly stupid idea, if executed carefully and correctly. And it will be fun. Which is why I do this, after all.
There is some risk, of course - there are good reasons - injury and overtraining - why people space their marathons well apart. But to my mind the risk comes not from running two marathons in eight weeks, but from training too much between the two, and short-changing recovery from the first. That's not my plan. Though I will be racing CIM (not just jogging or pacing a friend), I'm not running this marathon in hopes of bettering my Chicago time, and am not going to crash-train with the intent of improving fitness between now and then.
I'm not saying it would be impossible for me to run faster than Chicago - CIM is a very fast course, and I should be off of my allergy meds by then - meaning more energy and hopefully less water stops. But if the best prep for running a fast marathon was racing another marathon all out two months before, everyone would do it. Additionally, Chicago was a great weather day on a very fast course and I felt really good during taper and I paced my race well. It's greedy to hope that the stars will align twice, and there's really no errors that I made during Chicago that I could fix for round 2. So running faster might happen, but most likely won't, and isn't the goal here.
My plan is to first recover fully from Chicago with several weeks of easy mileage - the same as always. The same as if CIM wasn't in the forecast. If I'm still feeling good mentally and physically then we'll do just enough training to preserve what fitness I may carry over. Most likely one 18-20 miler, a tune-up race, and go. And if any injuries pop up or if I feel fried or if the weather forecast looks abysmal 5 days out, I'll DNS. No big deal - I already got to enjoy a great marathon this fall. The hotel can be cancelled until noon the day before and my flights are on Southwest, so the tickets can be used for another trip without penalty.
We shall see.
Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running with the belt (just gently waving my legs in the water and chatting - no real effort here)
Tuesday: Yoga.
Wednesday: 4 "miles" pool-running and some very light injury prevention work in the gym. Massage (much needed and appreciated) at night.
Thursday: 8 "miles" of pool-running plus yoga. Foam rolling at night
Friday: 5 miles (9:28) - basically warmed up with my teammates for 3 miles, watched the workout, and then cooled down for another 2 miles. Also some light upper body weights and foam rolling.
Saturday: 6 miles easy (8:51) plus foam rolling..
Sunday: 10 miles very easy (8:41) plus a yoga class. Foam rolling at night.
Race recovery week. I followed what's become my normal post-marathon week plan. Start with very easy pool-running with the belt, then add in yoga. When I'm able to hold all the yoga poses, especially the one-legged balance poses, without being especially shaky, then I'm ready to introduce easy running again.
The first run was a bit achy and sore, and that seems to be the case whether I wait three days post-marathon or ten (I've done both). But my legs improved rapidly, and Sunday's 10 miles felt surprisingly good - I could have gone further, though it would have made no sense to do so.
So, recovery's in progress and I'm already thinking to the next race. In this case, it's actually fairly soon. I may be running the California International Marathon in early December.
Why would I do such a uncharacteristic thing? Because I'm entered (entered way back in March), because I've always wanted to run this race, because I'm curious to see how my quads handle the net downhill course, and because I know quite a few people on the west coast who are running it this year.
I have no delusions about this being a great idea that will advance and improve my running. But it's not a horribly stupid idea, if executed carefully and correctly. And it will be fun. Which is why I do this, after all.
There is some risk, of course - there are good reasons - injury and overtraining - why people space their marathons well apart. But to my mind the risk comes not from running two marathons in eight weeks, but from training too much between the two, and short-changing recovery from the first. That's not my plan. Though I will be racing CIM (not just jogging or pacing a friend), I'm not running this marathon in hopes of bettering my Chicago time, and am not going to crash-train with the intent of improving fitness between now and then.
I'm not saying it would be impossible for me to run faster than Chicago - CIM is a very fast course, and I should be off of my allergy meds by then - meaning more energy and hopefully less water stops. But if the best prep for running a fast marathon was racing another marathon all out two months before, everyone would do it. Additionally, Chicago was a great weather day on a very fast course and I felt really good during taper and I paced my race well. It's greedy to hope that the stars will align twice, and there's really no errors that I made during Chicago that I could fix for round 2. So running faster might happen, but most likely won't, and isn't the goal here.
My plan is to first recover fully from Chicago with several weeks of easy mileage - the same as always. The same as if CIM wasn't in the forecast. If I'm still feeling good mentally and physically then we'll do just enough training to preserve what fitness I may carry over. Most likely one 18-20 miler, a tune-up race, and go. And if any injuries pop up or if I feel fried or if the weather forecast looks abysmal 5 days out, I'll DNS. No big deal - I already got to enjoy a great marathon this fall. The hotel can be cancelled until noon the day before and my flights are on Southwest, so the tickets can be used for another trip without penalty.
We shall see.
Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running with the belt (just gently waving my legs in the water and chatting - no real effort here)
Tuesday: Yoga.
Wednesday: 4 "miles" pool-running and some very light injury prevention work in the gym. Massage (much needed and appreciated) at night.
Thursday: 8 "miles" of pool-running plus yoga. Foam rolling at night
Friday: 5 miles (9:28) - basically warmed up with my teammates for 3 miles, watched the workout, and then cooled down for another 2 miles. Also some light upper body weights and foam rolling.
Saturday: 6 miles easy (8:51) plus foam rolling..
Sunday: 10 miles very easy (8:41) plus a yoga class. Foam rolling at night.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Training log - Week ending 10/9/16
This week was 45 miles of running, 8 "miles" of pool-running and 500 yards of swimming -- training log is here.
Placeholder for race week. Blogging bloviation will return next week.
Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running in the morning; 1 "mile" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Tuesday: 7 miles, including a track workout of 4x800 (3:01, 2:55, 2:52, 2:50, followed by 500 yards recovery swimming. Massage at night.
Wednesday: 6 miles very easy (8:45). 2 "miles" pool-running with the belt and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Thursday: Very minimal upper body weights and 4 "miles" - mostly easy, but with one mile slightly uptempo, at goal "first-10K-of-marathon pace" (7:19 - was shooting for 7:25).
Friday: Off. Travel. Foam rolling at night.
Saturday: 1 mile-ish very easy (9:50). Foam rolling in afternoon.
Sunday: 26.2 miles in 3:09:21 (7:14). And then chick drinks (no umbrella, alas) and nachos.
Placeholder for race week. Blogging bloviation will return next week.
Monday: 5 "miles" pool-running in the morning; 1 "mile" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Tuesday: 7 miles, including a track workout of 4x800 (3:01, 2:55, 2:52, 2:50, followed by 500 yards recovery swimming. Massage at night.
Wednesday: 6 miles very easy (8:45). 2 "miles" pool-running with the belt and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Thursday: Very minimal upper body weights and 4 "miles" - mostly easy, but with one mile slightly uptempo, at goal "first-10K-of-marathon pace" (7:19 - was shooting for 7:25).
Friday: Off. Travel. Foam rolling at night.
Saturday: 1 mile-ish very easy (9:50). Foam rolling in afternoon.
Sunday: 26.2 miles in 3:09:21 (7:14). And then chick drinks (no umbrella, alas) and nachos.
Race report: Chicago Marathon, October 9, 2016
I ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, finishing in a time of 3:09:21.
I just barely missed a PR, but that's OK - that's just slightly less icing on the cake. My last few marathons have all been miserable experiences - I wanted to have one that wasn't. Ideally, I also wanted to crack 3:10. (While my first marathon was a 3:08, that was back when I was in my late 30s, and I can vouch that there's a significant difference once your warranty runs out at age 40.) On Sunday, I broke 3:10 again, and I also ran a strong, controlled race. Though this wasn't a PR, in many ways it feels like one.
If I was cheesy, I'd write that "every marathon is a journey." (and since I did write that, I guess I am cheesy). The literal journey began with a flight to Chicago on Friday morning, in keeping with my rule of never traveling the day before a marathon. (two reasons for this - one is that traveling by plane really drains me, the other is that I like having a day of fudge time in case there are flight delays, cancellations, etc).
Since it would be just my luck to catch a cold on the flight over, I invested in a flu mask for the flight. Anxious? Absolutely. But I'd invested too much in this race to screw it up over something that could be prevented with $14 at the local CVS. So (somewhat sheepishly) I donned the mask as soon as I was seated.
As it turned out, as soon as we hit 10,000 feet, a passenger two rows behind me started coughing and sneezing in an epic fit that persisted until we reached the gate in Chicago.
And that was how I ended up protectively cupping my beloved flu mask to my nose and mouth with one hand for the next two hours. Before ripping it off in the Midway bathroom, followed by a biohazardesque cleansing of hands and face.
My flight was also interesting for another reason.
(I've decided that a modern version of the old Chinese curse is "may your plane flights be interesting.")
As we were boarding, a flight attendant reached into the overhead compartment to rearrange some bags. This prompted a rather strong reaction from my seatmates, a pair of older women who were way too animated for a 8:40 am flight. Their elevated voices resulted in an appearance by the head flight attendant. I had hopes that he would defuse the situation, but he raised his voice also, and lectured my seatmates on their use of profanity. They responded (truthfully, but loudly) that they hadn't cursed (yet), and things continued to escalate until another flight attendant intervened and calmed things down.
During the flight, every time the head flight attendant walked past our row, snarky comments were exchanged on both sides. I wondered idly if I was going to end up on the news - "flight diverted to Ohio after onboard altercation." But, it's a short flight to Chicago, and luckily things stayed under control until we were at the gate and I had escaped.
Once I landed at Midway, I proceeded directly to the expo (motto: walking 2.62 miles is excellent prep for running 26.2), then on to Chipotle for lunch/carbloading, and from there to my hotel.
With every marathon, you learn something. When I ran Philly for the first time, I learned that cutting out the salty junk food (in my case, tortilla chips) during taper was a very bad idea. So this time, my diet for the two days before the race was almost entirely Chipotle. Chipotle is easy to find, inexpensive, quick, and reliably allergen free. Plus tasty. And their rice bowls have that optimal mix of protein, salt, fat, and carbs. Add in an order of chips for extra carbs plus extra salt, and it was awesome.
As it happened, my race goodie bag included a Chipotle coupon - two bowls for the price of one. So of course I used it on Saturday for lunch. I idly debated whether to pretend that one of the bowls was for a friend. However, it's awfully late in life to develop either shame or decorum. So I ordered both for myself. Plus more chips.
All of this was balanced out by a LOT of water. Hydration's always important, but I've really been struggling with it this fall, due to my prescription antihistamines. Even though race conditions were predicted to be relatively cool and quite dry, I decided to prep as though it would be humid, to balance out the effect of the meds.
One of the gimmicks of the Club Quarters chain of hotels (where I stayed) is unlimited purified bottled water. Each floor has a dispenser and a rack of empty plastic bottles - you just fill up as many as you want. I unquestionably got my money's worth, and then some.
Dinner was very light (per my norm) plus some Generation UCAN (unsweetened) mixed with coconut water and some water with Osmo pre-load hydration. I like how my energy levels feel after UCAN, but it also makes me really nauseous. Which is ironic, since UCAN is marketed as a race-day breakfast replacement for people who can't handle solid food pre-race. For myself, I have to reverse it - dinner is UCAN, followed by lousy sleep due to indigestion (which is fine - sleep the night before a marathon is relatively unimportant). Breakfast is brown rice, a Gel, protein powder, and a GU Stroopwafel.
I woke at 4:15 am race morning, so I could take my asthma meds, eat, digest, poop, and stretch. And also get dressed.
To the amusement of friends, I carry a LOT of gels when I race a marathon - ten, with five safety-pinned to each side of my shorts (caffeinated on my left hip, caffeine-free on the right; rocktanes in the front, and normal gels in the back). Crazy? Perhaps, but so is pretty much every other aspect of marathoning. The fueling strategy that has worked best for me in marathons is "always be slurping" and so I'd rather carry too many than too few. Plus, there's always the risk of dropping one or more, or finding that you only have lemonade roctane left, when root beer would sit much better.
(I'd also like to note that I'm not that big - if I can carry 10 gels safety-pinned to my shorts, anyone can.)
Thus equipped, at 6:10 I left my hotel for the starting area. Since I was staying in "the loop", my walk to the security checkpoint was less than 10 minutes.
Security was fairly stringent, with two rounds. First each runner was wanded with a metal detector. As I approached the checkpoint, the officials were requesting that everyone remove their gels before being wanded. The woman wanding me, however, took one look at my meticulously organized GU-hips, and told me not to bother.
The second round was a bag check, and then I was in. Getting through security only took 10 minutes, still giving me a solid 50 minutes to check my bag and get in my corral.
Just past security, I had a very pleasant surprise.
Back about 18 months ago, when I ran Grandma's Marathon, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me in the bus to the start. After Grandmas, Justine and I managed to sync up on Facebook, and we've kept in touch. As it turned out, both of us were registered for Chicago, but somehow a pre-race meet-up didn't happen (honestly, I like to stay in hermit mode until after the race).
So guess who I ran into as soon as I cleared Security. At a 40,000 runner race. It was awesome.
We hung out and chatted for the next 30 minutes while going through bag check and poop check (otherwise known as the portajohn line) before splitting for our respective corrals. I knew that the corrals closed at 7:20 am with no exceptions, and I saw no reason to push my luck, so I entered mine at 7:05.
With about 10 minutes to go before race start, I tossed my extra clothes. My lungs felt slightly tight, so I decided to take a preventative puff of my asthma inhaler, just in case. Only to find out it was clogged. Ooops. (and mental note to check these things in advance next time). Oh well. Not great, but I haven't needed to use my rescue inhaler while running in quite some time, so I went ahead and started the race in my corral. (I guess my other option would have been to step out of my corral, go find the med tent, and start in the second wave)
[and yes, I would have looked really stupid if I had had an issue during the race, but fortunately that wasn't the case.]
And then the gun went off. Per my habit, I wanted the first mile to feel "8:00"-ish, though I wasn't targeting the number on the clock as much as I was that feeling. ( I ran with my watchface blanked, as always). As it turns out, I ran 7:51, so not too far off. Then I started to inch the pace down gently, trying to keep a conservative, easy feel - "Slightly slacking."
It's hard to give a mile by mile description of a race where every mile was flat and surrounded by crowds. Much of the first half of the race was spent practicing energy conservation and retention - was I drinking/eating enough, was I breathing easy? Was I tracking the blue painted line that marked how the course was measured (and was the shortest path)? Fortunately, the bit of tight breathing that I had noted at the start eased after we got out of Lincoln Park, never to return. The wind was gusting, and so when I caught up to the 3:10 pace group, I opted to run with them for a while to conserve energy.
As always, I ran with my handheld water bottle, which I was draining surprisingly quickly (thank you, allergy meds). By mile 6, I needed to refill it, which involved stopping at a water station and pouring 2-3 cups worth of water into my bottle, before capping it and continuing. Whenever I did this, I lost time and also the shelter of my wind blocks, but I considered it a wise investment in the last few miles of my race.
I was both frustrated and concerned that I was draining my water bottle so quickly, and needing to refill so often (I ended up having to stop to refill 5 times during the race, losing at least 10 seconds each time), but there was nothing that could be done - I knew that getting thirsty, especially before mile 20, would kill my marathon.
A bit past the half-marathon point, my quads started to feel sore and tight. Soon after that I felt a worrisome pulling behind my left knee, and my right hamstring started to tighten. Obviously, stuff pops up during a marathon, but this was awfully early. I panicked for about 10 seconds, and then negotiated myself off the ledge. Nothing was limiting my running yet. And if I REALLY focused on perfect running form (core engaged, no overstriding, relaxed shoulders) and kept eating and drinking, I might be able to keep the ship together. Nothing to do but try.
So that's what I did. And it helped the miles fly, to be honest. I could either focus on my core, or focus on the mile markers. I chose the former. The pulling in my left leg did make it significantly harder to get back into a rhythm after each water stop, as I'd have to hobble a bit before I could get up to full speed and hit a rhythm - resulting in more lost time.
I also had an amusing blooper at one water stop in the second half of the course - around mile 17-18 I refilled my water bottle, only to realize I couldn't find the cap. I had tucked the cap temporarily in my sportsbra, where it got lost beneath my used gels (I store them there so I don't litter) and my useless inhaler.
With 8 miles to go, I couldn't just toss the water bottle and run, so I had to take an extended stop to locate and extricate the cap from my rather chafed bosom. (Next time, I'll just litter, and compensate by cleaning up my local trail later.) I don't know exactly how much time I lost, but it was a good bit. I just barely missed running a negative split for the course - something I almost always do if I don't blow-up - and I think it's due to the lost time there.
I was pleasantly surprised at mile 20 to discover that I was hanging in there. Breathing was great, energy levels were great. Others were walking but I wasn't. I debated taking a risk and picking it up a bit, but my legs still felt very iffy. They weren't REALLY cramping, but they were right on the edge, and had been so for some time. So, I decided to play it safe a bit longer. Perhaps that cost me a better time (and a PR) but I'm OK with the decision. I can live with just missing a PR - there's always another marathon. Another blow-up would have been the end for me and this distance.
Around mile 23, I decided I was close enough to the finish to take a bit of risk, and so I departed the shelter of the pace group. Only to discover a strong headwind. Looking at the Garmin report later, it's striking to note how my heart rate rose late in the race, while my pace didn't change significantly. I felt like I was surging away from the pace group, only to hear them behind me as we approached mile 26. I decided to see if I could kick, and somehow I did - evidence that I probably didn't leave it all on the course, and that maybe I could have been a bit more aggressive. Oh well. Again, given my recent history at the distance, I'm at peace with not leaving it all out there today.
Splits were:
Mile 1: 7:51
Mile 2: 7:27
Mile 3: 7:12
Mile 4: 7:03
Mile 5: 7:01
Mile 6: 7:09
Mile 7: 6:59
Mile 8-9: 14:18
Mile 10: 7:08
Mile 11: 7:17
Mile 12: 7:11
Mile 13: 7:11
Mile 14: 7:16
Mile 15: 7:05
Mile 16: 7:14
Mile 17: 7:17
Mile 18: 7:23
Mile 19: 7:08
Mile 20: 7:17
Mile 21-22: 14:38
Mile 23: 7:12
Mile 24: 7:12
Mile 25: 7:10
Mile 26: 7:13
last .21: 7:23 (huh - I thought I was kicking - perhaps not)
Final result: 3:09:21. And a smile.
Epilogue: As I noted at the beginning (of this long report) I discovered right before the race that my rescue inhaler was useless. This wasn't a problem during the race, but I was worried about post-race as well. After my last 3 marathons, I've had an asthma attack about 5-10 minutes after the race was done (no, I don't know why). Reasoning that it was better to go to the med tent before any attack, I waived a medical official over in the finish area, explained my situation, and she escorted me to the tent. I hung out there for about 20 minutes waiting for the attack that never came (yay Advair), and then signed some forms and was dismissed. The upside was that I ended up with a free new rescue inhaler; the downside was that I completely missed getting to see all of my teammates in the finish area. But better safe than sorry.
Other notes:
I just barely missed a PR, but that's OK - that's just slightly less icing on the cake. My last few marathons have all been miserable experiences - I wanted to have one that wasn't. Ideally, I also wanted to crack 3:10. (While my first marathon was a 3:08, that was back when I was in my late 30s, and I can vouch that there's a significant difference once your warranty runs out at age 40.) On Sunday, I broke 3:10 again, and I also ran a strong, controlled race. Though this wasn't a PR, in many ways it feels like one.
If I was cheesy, I'd write that "every marathon is a journey." (and since I did write that, I guess I am cheesy). The literal journey began with a flight to Chicago on Friday morning, in keeping with my rule of never traveling the day before a marathon. (two reasons for this - one is that traveling by plane really drains me, the other is that I like having a day of fudge time in case there are flight delays, cancellations, etc).

As it turned out, as soon as we hit 10,000 feet, a passenger two rows behind me started coughing and sneezing in an epic fit that persisted until we reached the gate in Chicago.
And that was how I ended up protectively cupping my beloved flu mask to my nose and mouth with one hand for the next two hours. Before ripping it off in the Midway bathroom, followed by a biohazardesque cleansing of hands and face.
My flight was also interesting for another reason.
(I've decided that a modern version of the old Chinese curse is "may your plane flights be interesting.")
As we were boarding, a flight attendant reached into the overhead compartment to rearrange some bags. This prompted a rather strong reaction from my seatmates, a pair of older women who were way too animated for a 8:40 am flight. Their elevated voices resulted in an appearance by the head flight attendant. I had hopes that he would defuse the situation, but he raised his voice also, and lectured my seatmates on their use of profanity. They responded (truthfully, but loudly) that they hadn't cursed (yet), and things continued to escalate until another flight attendant intervened and calmed things down.
During the flight, every time the head flight attendant walked past our row, snarky comments were exchanged on both sides. I wondered idly if I was going to end up on the news - "flight diverted to Ohio after onboard altercation." But, it's a short flight to Chicago, and luckily things stayed under control until we were at the gate and I had escaped.
Once I landed at Midway, I proceeded directly to the expo (motto: walking 2.62 miles is excellent prep for running 26.2), then on to Chipotle for lunch/carbloading, and from there to my hotel.
With every marathon, you learn something. When I ran Philly for the first time, I learned that cutting out the salty junk food (in my case, tortilla chips) during taper was a very bad idea. So this time, my diet for the two days before the race was almost entirely Chipotle. Chipotle is easy to find, inexpensive, quick, and reliably allergen free. Plus tasty. And their rice bowls have that optimal mix of protein, salt, fat, and carbs. Add in an order of chips for extra carbs plus extra salt, and it was awesome.
As it happened, my race goodie bag included a Chipotle coupon - two bowls for the price of one. So of course I used it on Saturday for lunch. I idly debated whether to pretend that one of the bowls was for a friend. However, it's awfully late in life to develop either shame or decorum. So I ordered both for myself. Plus more chips.
All of this was balanced out by a LOT of water. Hydration's always important, but I've really been struggling with it this fall, due to my prescription antihistamines. Even though race conditions were predicted to be relatively cool and quite dry, I decided to prep as though it would be humid, to balance out the effect of the meds.

Dinner was very light (per my norm) plus some Generation UCAN (unsweetened) mixed with coconut water and some water with Osmo pre-load hydration. I like how my energy levels feel after UCAN, but it also makes me really nauseous. Which is ironic, since UCAN is marketed as a race-day breakfast replacement for people who can't handle solid food pre-race. For myself, I have to reverse it - dinner is UCAN, followed by lousy sleep due to indigestion (which is fine - sleep the night before a marathon is relatively unimportant). Breakfast is brown rice, a Gel, protein powder, and a GU Stroopwafel.
![]() |
"ABS" - "Always Be Slurping" |
To the amusement of friends, I carry a LOT of gels when I race a marathon - ten, with five safety-pinned to each side of my shorts (caffeinated on my left hip, caffeine-free on the right; rocktanes in the front, and normal gels in the back). Crazy? Perhaps, but so is pretty much every other aspect of marathoning. The fueling strategy that has worked best for me in marathons is "always be slurping" and so I'd rather carry too many than too few. Plus, there's always the risk of dropping one or more, or finding that you only have lemonade roctane left, when root beer would sit much better.
(I'd also like to note that I'm not that big - if I can carry 10 gels safety-pinned to my shorts, anyone can.)
Thus equipped, at 6:10 I left my hotel for the starting area. Since I was staying in "the loop", my walk to the security checkpoint was less than 10 minutes.
Security was fairly stringent, with two rounds. First each runner was wanded with a metal detector. As I approached the checkpoint, the officials were requesting that everyone remove their gels before being wanded. The woman wanding me, however, took one look at my meticulously organized GU-hips, and told me not to bother.
The second round was a bag check, and then I was in. Getting through security only took 10 minutes, still giving me a solid 50 minutes to check my bag and get in my corral.
Just past security, I had a very pleasant surprise.
Back about 18 months ago, when I ran Grandma's Marathon, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me in the bus to the start. After Grandmas, Justine and I managed to sync up on Facebook, and we've kept in touch. As it turned out, both of us were registered for Chicago, but somehow a pre-race meet-up didn't happen (honestly, I like to stay in hermit mode until after the race).
So guess who I ran into as soon as I cleared Security. At a 40,000 runner race. It was awesome.
We hung out and chatted for the next 30 minutes while going through bag check and poop check (otherwise known as the portajohn line) before splitting for our respective corrals. I knew that the corrals closed at 7:20 am with no exceptions, and I saw no reason to push my luck, so I entered mine at 7:05.
With about 10 minutes to go before race start, I tossed my extra clothes. My lungs felt slightly tight, so I decided to take a preventative puff of my asthma inhaler, just in case. Only to find out it was clogged. Ooops. (and mental note to check these things in advance next time). Oh well. Not great, but I haven't needed to use my rescue inhaler while running in quite some time, so I went ahead and started the race in my corral. (I guess my other option would have been to step out of my corral, go find the med tent, and start in the second wave)
[and yes, I would have looked really stupid if I had had an issue during the race, but fortunately that wasn't the case.]
And then the gun went off. Per my habit, I wanted the first mile to feel "8:00"-ish, though I wasn't targeting the number on the clock as much as I was that feeling. ( I ran with my watchface blanked, as always). As it turns out, I ran 7:51, so not too far off. Then I started to inch the pace down gently, trying to keep a conservative, easy feel - "Slightly slacking."
It's hard to give a mile by mile description of a race where every mile was flat and surrounded by crowds. Much of the first half of the race was spent practicing energy conservation and retention - was I drinking/eating enough, was I breathing easy? Was I tracking the blue painted line that marked how the course was measured (and was the shortest path)? Fortunately, the bit of tight breathing that I had noted at the start eased after we got out of Lincoln Park, never to return. The wind was gusting, and so when I caught up to the 3:10 pace group, I opted to run with them for a while to conserve energy.
As always, I ran with my handheld water bottle, which I was draining surprisingly quickly (thank you, allergy meds). By mile 6, I needed to refill it, which involved stopping at a water station and pouring 2-3 cups worth of water into my bottle, before capping it and continuing. Whenever I did this, I lost time and also the shelter of my wind blocks, but I considered it a wise investment in the last few miles of my race.
I was both frustrated and concerned that I was draining my water bottle so quickly, and needing to refill so often (I ended up having to stop to refill 5 times during the race, losing at least 10 seconds each time), but there was nothing that could be done - I knew that getting thirsty, especially before mile 20, would kill my marathon.
A bit past the half-marathon point, my quads started to feel sore and tight. Soon after that I felt a worrisome pulling behind my left knee, and my right hamstring started to tighten. Obviously, stuff pops up during a marathon, but this was awfully early. I panicked for about 10 seconds, and then negotiated myself off the ledge. Nothing was limiting my running yet. And if I REALLY focused on perfect running form (core engaged, no overstriding, relaxed shoulders) and kept eating and drinking, I might be able to keep the ship together. Nothing to do but try.
So that's what I did. And it helped the miles fly, to be honest. I could either focus on my core, or focus on the mile markers. I chose the former. The pulling in my left leg did make it significantly harder to get back into a rhythm after each water stop, as I'd have to hobble a bit before I could get up to full speed and hit a rhythm - resulting in more lost time.
I also had an amusing blooper at one water stop in the second half of the course - around mile 17-18 I refilled my water bottle, only to realize I couldn't find the cap. I had tucked the cap temporarily in my sportsbra, where it got lost beneath my used gels (I store them there so I don't litter) and my useless inhaler.
With 8 miles to go, I couldn't just toss the water bottle and run, so I had to take an extended stop to locate and extricate the cap from my rather chafed bosom. (Next time, I'll just litter, and compensate by cleaning up my local trail later.) I don't know exactly how much time I lost, but it was a good bit. I just barely missed running a negative split for the course - something I almost always do if I don't blow-up - and I think it's due to the lost time there.
I was pleasantly surprised at mile 20 to discover that I was hanging in there. Breathing was great, energy levels were great. Others were walking but I wasn't. I debated taking a risk and picking it up a bit, but my legs still felt very iffy. They weren't REALLY cramping, but they were right on the edge, and had been so for some time. So, I decided to play it safe a bit longer. Perhaps that cost me a better time (and a PR) but I'm OK with the decision. I can live with just missing a PR - there's always another marathon. Another blow-up would have been the end for me and this distance.
Around mile 23, I decided I was close enough to the finish to take a bit of risk, and so I departed the shelter of the pace group. Only to discover a strong headwind. Looking at the Garmin report later, it's striking to note how my heart rate rose late in the race, while my pace didn't change significantly. I felt like I was surging away from the pace group, only to hear them behind me as we approached mile 26. I decided to see if I could kick, and somehow I did - evidence that I probably didn't leave it all on the course, and that maybe I could have been a bit more aggressive. Oh well. Again, given my recent history at the distance, I'm at peace with not leaving it all out there today.
Splits were:
Mile 1: 7:51
Mile 2: 7:27
Mile 3: 7:12
Mile 4: 7:03
Mile 5: 7:01
Mile 6: 7:09
Mile 7: 6:59
Mile 8-9: 14:18
Mile 10: 7:08
Mile 11: 7:17
Mile 12: 7:11
Mile 13: 7:11
Mile 14: 7:16
Mile 15: 7:05
Mile 16: 7:14
Mile 17: 7:17
Mile 18: 7:23
Mile 19: 7:08
Mile 20: 7:17
Mile 21-22: 14:38
Mile 23: 7:12
Mile 24: 7:12
Mile 25: 7:10
Mile 26: 7:13
last .21: 7:23 (huh - I thought I was kicking - perhaps not)
Final result: 3:09:21. And a smile.
Epilogue: As I noted at the beginning (of this long report) I discovered right before the race that my rescue inhaler was useless. This wasn't a problem during the race, but I was worried about post-race as well. After my last 3 marathons, I've had an asthma attack about 5-10 minutes after the race was done (no, I don't know why). Reasoning that it was better to go to the med tent before any attack, I waived a medical official over in the finish area, explained my situation, and she escorted me to the tent. I hung out there for about 20 minutes waiting for the attack that never came (yay Advair), and then signed some forms and was dismissed. The upside was that I ended up with a free new rescue inhaler; the downside was that I completely missed getting to see all of my teammates in the finish area. But better safe than sorry.
Other notes:
- Temps started in the low 50s and ended in the high 50s, with a low dewpoint. There was no cloudcover, but that was really a non-issue, given how cool and dry the weather was, and how much of the course was shaded. The wind was a slight issue, but it seems sad to complain about that, given the horrid weather that's plagued nearly every other marathon this year.
- Consumed 7 gels during the race. That probably seems like overkill to some, but I'll take it over crashing at mile 18. About half the gels, plus the one I took pre-race, were caffeinated.
- My abs are really sore. I basically ran the second half with my core holding things together.
- Fall ragweed season should be over in a few weeks, and then I can go off of the Clarinex (the prescription anti-histamine that's so dehydrating).
I'm a little bummed that I had to spend so much time at water stations on such a great day, but I still ran far better than I would have with my allergies flaring (or if I had skipped the water). In fact, I suspect that the chest tightness pre-race and during the first part was due to all the green stuff in Millennium Park (the staging area) and in the early miles of the course. - Though I sadly never saw any of my teammates pre-race or in the finish area, a group of us did get together that evening where I had awesome nachos and doubled my net alcohol consumption for the year (I am such a lightweight). So much fun.
- Things that worked really well for this race:
- Staying close to the start/finish
- Running with my garmin face blanked (I pace my races so much better when I do this)
- Flu masks
- So.much.Chipotle
- So.many.gels
- So much salt
- Getting my bib on Friday
- Taking a week of vacation that bookended the race
- Training very conservatively (more on that in another post)
- Maintaining the intensity during taper (just cutting the volume)
- Carb-loading, but not to the point where I felt stuffed
- Things that I need to change for next time:
- Check the inhaler BEFORE you leave for the race
- Don't go to the expo straight from the airport. Go get food. Then expo. Then more food.
- Don't use your sportsbra as a trashcan.
- My sinuses hurt like hell during this taper, and I was really worried I was getting sick. Just like they have during the previous four marathon tapers. Note to future self: your sinuses will hurt during taper, and you'll have a recurring headache. And you'll get acne. It happens every taper. Just take Tylenol and don't worry about it.
- My PR is 3:08:51 (run at age 38), and so I missed it by 30 seconds. For a day or two, I thought I had the masters female marathon record for my team (which was fun), but as it turns out, I missed that as well, as another teammate has run 3:07 and 3:08 after turning 40. So she gets to keep the record. For now :)
- I got my marathon mojo back. Yay.

Monday, October 3, 2016
Training log - Week ending 10/2/16
This week was 48 miles of running, 20 "miles" of pool-running and 2000 yards of swimming -- training log is here.
And, this is the best week of taper - the week where you're relaxing and have extra time, but aren't close enough to the race to be nervous. It's the calm before the storm. Very peaceful.
(unless you happen to have recently adopted kittens. Then you're just grateful for the extra free time, since all of your extra time is spent feeding, litterbox cleaning, and kitten wrangling. But I digress)
In my past few training cycles, I've felt great on my long runs during the heavy training, only to show up flat on race day and mis-fire. To me, that indicates an issue with my taper - there's something that shifts between the training cycle and race day that leaves me stale on the day I most need to be sharp.
So, I've made two changes to my taper this cycle, each of which is essentially to change things less during taper.
The first change is dietary. The diet I prefer and feel best on is higher protein/fat than most runners - I'd train on that diet, and then carb-up very heavily in the last few days. In retrospect, it's not at all surprising that I'd feel sluggish and slow - food coma-esque - on race morning. And race how I felt.
Since running a marathon without carb-loading is a bit high risk for my taste, I decided to shift the other way by gradually increasing my carb consumption during the entire cycle, to a point where my daily diet was fairly high carb. My hope is that by doing so, the carb loading in the last few days won't be as much of a shock to my system, since it won't be as great a change.
The second change is to how I structured my taper. It's obviously very important to cut back on your physical workload during taper - you're not going to build any fitness, and you're trying to rest. At the same time, there's a reason that we don't stop speedwork completely for the final weeks before a marathon - the body needs some stimulus to keep it sharp. So we keep the intensity but just cut back on the volume of the fast running, so that one stays ready to run hard while also resting. Makes sense, right?
However, in training cycles past, while I've kept the speed work in until the last few days pre-race, I've gone cold turkey on other aspects of my training during taper, cutting out both yoga and strengthwork in the gym. In retrospect, not the best idea. The yoga keeps me balanced and flexible, while lifting weights naturally (and legally) promotes the body's production of testosterone and growth hormone. Both of these things are beneficial to my running, and so eliminating them for the last few weeks pre-race probably has hurt me in the same way that an extended period of no fast running would. I suspect this is part of why I feel so lousy after taper.
So this cycle, I'm tapering down the yoga and weights, rather than cutting them entirely I've stopped going to yoga class, mostly due to some justified paranoia about getting sick (it's amazing how many people think it's reasonable to go to a yoga class when they're fighting off a cold or flu). However, I've been doing a simplified 10 minute routine several times a week to keep my hips open and my glutes firing. I'll stick with that routine all the way to the day before the marathon.
As for weights, I'm cutting back the volume, but not the intensity. In the last few days, my weights routine will be all of 5 minutes. I'll do some planks, then two sets of bicep curls and some push-ups, and call it there. Not enough to build strength or fitness, but just enough that I haven't changed my routine too much. I think of it as equivalent to the last set of 800s that we do a few days before a marathon.
T-6 days until Chicago.
Monday: Upper body weights and 6.5 "miles" pool-running; 1.5 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Tuesday: 11 miles, including a track workout of 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (1:35, 3:06, 4:36, 6:09, 4:26, 2:51, 79), followed by light injury prevention work and 1000 yards recovery swimming. Foam rolling at night.
Wednesday: 8 miles very easy (9:39). 2 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Thursday: Upper body weights and 6.5 "miles" pool-running; 1.5 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Friday: 9 miles, including a 5K tempo on the track in 19:51 (6:31/6:19/6:17/0:44), followed by injury prevention work and 1000 yards recovery swimming. Foam rolling at night.
Saturday: 8 miles very easy (9:39), plus drills and strides, followed by upper body weights. 2 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Sunday: 12 miles easy/aerobic (8:34), followed by light injury prevention work. Foam rolling in afternoon.
And, this is the best week of taper - the week where you're relaxing and have extra time, but aren't close enough to the race to be nervous. It's the calm before the storm. Very peaceful.
(unless you happen to have recently adopted kittens. Then you're just grateful for the extra free time, since all of your extra time is spent feeding, litterbox cleaning, and kitten wrangling. But I digress)
In my past few training cycles, I've felt great on my long runs during the heavy training, only to show up flat on race day and mis-fire. To me, that indicates an issue with my taper - there's something that shifts between the training cycle and race day that leaves me stale on the day I most need to be sharp.
So, I've made two changes to my taper this cycle, each of which is essentially to change things less during taper.
The first change is dietary. The diet I prefer and feel best on is higher protein/fat than most runners - I'd train on that diet, and then carb-up very heavily in the last few days. In retrospect, it's not at all surprising that I'd feel sluggish and slow - food coma-esque - on race morning. And race how I felt.
Since running a marathon without carb-loading is a bit high risk for my taste, I decided to shift the other way by gradually increasing my carb consumption during the entire cycle, to a point where my daily diet was fairly high carb. My hope is that by doing so, the carb loading in the last few days won't be as much of a shock to my system, since it won't be as great a change.
The second change is to how I structured my taper. It's obviously very important to cut back on your physical workload during taper - you're not going to build any fitness, and you're trying to rest. At the same time, there's a reason that we don't stop speedwork completely for the final weeks before a marathon - the body needs some stimulus to keep it sharp. So we keep the intensity but just cut back on the volume of the fast running, so that one stays ready to run hard while also resting. Makes sense, right?
However, in training cycles past, while I've kept the speed work in until the last few days pre-race, I've gone cold turkey on other aspects of my training during taper, cutting out both yoga and strengthwork in the gym. In retrospect, not the best idea. The yoga keeps me balanced and flexible, while lifting weights naturally (and legally) promotes the body's production of testosterone and growth hormone. Both of these things are beneficial to my running, and so eliminating them for the last few weeks pre-race probably has hurt me in the same way that an extended period of no fast running would. I suspect this is part of why I feel so lousy after taper.
So this cycle, I'm tapering down the yoga and weights, rather than cutting them entirely I've stopped going to yoga class, mostly due to some justified paranoia about getting sick (it's amazing how many people think it's reasonable to go to a yoga class when they're fighting off a cold or flu). However, I've been doing a simplified 10 minute routine several times a week to keep my hips open and my glutes firing. I'll stick with that routine all the way to the day before the marathon.
As for weights, I'm cutting back the volume, but not the intensity. In the last few days, my weights routine will be all of 5 minutes. I'll do some planks, then two sets of bicep curls and some push-ups, and call it there. Not enough to build strength or fitness, but just enough that I haven't changed my routine too much. I think of it as equivalent to the last set of 800s that we do a few days before a marathon.
T-6 days until Chicago.
Monday: Upper body weights and 6.5 "miles" pool-running; 1.5 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Tuesday: 11 miles, including a track workout of 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (1:35, 3:06, 4:36, 6:09, 4:26, 2:51, 79), followed by light injury prevention work and 1000 yards recovery swimming. Foam rolling at night.
Wednesday: 8 miles very easy (9:39). 2 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Thursday: Upper body weights and 6.5 "miles" pool-running; 1.5 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling at night.
Friday: 9 miles, including a 5K tempo on the track in 19:51 (6:31/6:19/6:17/0:44), followed by injury prevention work and 1000 yards recovery swimming. Foam rolling at night.
Saturday: 8 miles very easy (9:39), plus drills and strides, followed by upper body weights. 2 "miles" pool-running and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Sunday: 12 miles easy/aerobic (8:34), followed by light injury prevention work. Foam rolling in afternoon.
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