Monday, April 29, 2024

Training log - Week ending 4/28/2024

This week was 34 miles of running and 7 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Building up, plus a break when I got sick this weekend and spent a good chunk of Saturday in bed.    

I can't say I enjoyed being sick (at all), but at least I was sick on the one weekend where I had no major racing, training, or social plans, leaving me free to mire in a puddle of my own misery sans FOMO.  So that was a faint positive (in contrast to the Covid test, which was negative).

I did decide to revise my summer racing plans slightly (I did this while I was sick, but not because I was sick).  My original plan was to head up to Duluth, Minnesota once again this summer to race the Garry Bjorklund Half during Grandma's Marathon weekend.  I really like that race, and this would be my first year there in the 50-54 age group.

However, the BAA 10K in Boston is the same weekend, and offers my para-division, with prize money to the winner.  Boston is also an easier and cheaper trip than Duluth, and racing in Boston on Sunday means I don't have to take any days off of work, while racing in Duluth on Saturday would require taking Thursday and Friday as vacation days for travel.

So, while I'm a bit sad about missing Grandma's weekend, it just made sense to change plans (and I like supporting the BAA's decision to offer para-divisions by showing up for them).  This also means that my longest race in the next 4 months will be a 10K, which is a good thing.  The shorter distances are weaker for me, and so I'll benefit from focusing on them for a few months.

Monday: 7 "miles" pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 5.5 miles very easy (9:50) plus leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.
Wednesday: 8.5 miles very easy (9:33) with some grass-running, followed by upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 8.5 miles very easy on trails in the morning (10:10); streaming pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 7 miles, including 4 Iwo Jima hills, followed by leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: Off.  Sick.  Just stretching and foam rolling.

Sunday:  4.5 miles very easy on trails (10:20)

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