Sunday, May 12, 2024

Training log - week ending 5/12/2024

This week was 40 miles of running and 9 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Not too much of note here - just track workouts on Tuesday and Friday.  I turned 50 this week, so I intentionally kept the weekend light on training so I could focus more on social stuff.

Yay new age group.

Monday: 9 "miles' of pool-running.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 9 miles, including a track workout of 2x800, 1600, 800, 2x200 in 3:24, 3:24, 6:48, 3:18, 48, and 48.  Recoveries of 2:4x-2:5x after the 800s and 5:30 after the 1600; full recovery for the 200s.  Followed with leg strengthwork.
Wednesday: 9 miles very easy (9:22) and by upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 6 miles very easy on trails (10:13) and streaming pilates. Foam rolling in evening.
Friday: 9 miles on the track including a 6400m tempo in 28:21 (7:16/7:10/7:01/6:54) followed by leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 7 miles very easy (9:20) plus drills/strides, followed by streaming pilates. Foam rolling in afternoon.

Sunday:  6 "miles" pool-running. Foam rolling in evening.

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