Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Training log - Week ending 5/19/2024

This week was 46 miles of running and 6 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

This week was a good track workout and a not so good race.  I'm still trying to figure out the perfect balance of medications, and I suspect I got it wrong on Saturday.  The challenge is that the medications have a long tail, so any changes in dosing have an immediate effect, but also one that may not be noticeable for a few weeks.  So I just need to keep testing stuff and taking notes.

Thursday's shoe testing was because I have some para-athetic track meets coming up.  For those, I'm required to wear shoes with a sole thickness of 25mm or less, which rules out about 90% of the running shoes being made right now.  I am not at all comfortable running on my forefoot, so that eliminates most track spikes.

Fortunately, I have several boxes of old but unused racing shoes from 5+ years ago (before the high stack shoe craze) and so I've been testing those along with a pair of Dragonfly spikes that I bought for 50% off.  The shoes I tested on Saturday included the Reebok Floatride Runfast Pro, the Adidas Takumi Sen 7, and the Dragonflies.  Of those, I was pretty much tied between the Takumi Sen and the Dragonflies, but I have some more testing to do.

Monday: 6 miles very easy and upper body weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles, including a track workout of 6x800 in 3:26, 3:24, 3:18, 3:18, 3:18, and 3:16.  Recoveries of 2:5x-3:1x.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Sports massage in evening.
Wednesday: 6 "miles" pool-running in the morning; streaming yoga in evening. Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 4 miles very easy (9:43), strides in various shoes, and then 3 miles very easy (9:21) in the morning; streaming pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 5 miles very easy (9:53) on trails.  Foam rolling in evening.

Saturday: 3 mile warm-up and 5K race in 23:18. Followed with streaming pilates. Foam rolling in afternoon.

Sunday:  12 miles very easy (9:02) and weights (upper and lower body).  Foam rolling in evening.

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