Sunday, October 6, 2024

Training log - week ending 10/6/2024

This week was 52 miles of running, 3 "miles" of pool-running, and 1000 yards of swimming -- training log is here.

Things were a bit jumbled this week, but I got everything done.   The jumbling started on Tuesday morning - it was a foggy morning before the sun came up, so I basically couldn't see anything.  Which meant that my balance was really tenuous.  Combine that with a right adductor/hamstring that felt a bit tight when I did my strides, and....I decided to push this workout back a day rather than risk another injury. 

[Sadly, I think the pool-running on Monday, though short and with a belt, was what triggered the adductor issue.  I'm going to have to skip pool-running for a few more weeks.]

Of course, I'm also in the midst of another round of PT sessions - once or twice a year I do several weeks in a row of intense PT focused on addressing some of my Parkinsons issues.  I actually really enjoy the PT because it's challenging, it works, and I feel like I've accomplished something after.  However, it is also tiring, both mentally and physically.  This time, I scheduled all my sessions for Tuesday afternoon, which meant that my legs were a bit tired on Wednesday morning.  I had planned on doing 3x1200, 3x400, but I ended stopping after the first 400 when it felt like I might be pushing things a bit far.

The good news about cutting Wednesday short was that I was rested for Friday.  My right leg was a bit "nervy" when I warmed up (meaning I could feel a tight string running down the back of my right leg from hamstring to calf, with some buzzing).  However, I've learned that if I gently work through "nerviness" it goes away, while resting it makes it worse.  So I warmed up carefully and then ran a 4 mile tempo and sure enough the nerviness was gone by the end, and gone on Saturday.

I planned to do a progressive long run on Sunday, but I screwed up my meds.  To explain - I take a med called Rytary several times a day to keep my muscles working decently. Each dose lasts about 4.5 hours (more if I'm not working out) and if I don't take it, my legs (especially quads and ankles) are very stiff and I have no power in my legs. 

Rytary (and all similar meds) have a quirk in that they can't be taken with protein. Basically, one's intestines use the same "gateways" (my own made up term) to absorb protein and the medication, with a preference for protein.  If you eat protein too close to a dose of Rytary, then it's the protein that gets processed while the Rytary passes through.

And of course, clever me overslept slightly this morning, so I ate my morning oatmeal, waited 30 minutes, and took my Rytary.  Forgetting that this brand of oatmeal had a fair amount of protein from chia seed and quinoa.

So...I started my long run and quickly confirmed that legs were not working well today.  I couldn't take a second Rytary because I would have risked too much in my system.  Too little just means I'm very stiff and slow; too much means that muscles are randomly contracting - which is a big injury risk when running.   So I switched my focus to getting the miles in while trying to keep my running form as good as possible.  Since I'm still building my mileage back up, it was still a productive morning.

As for Isabella, who was sick last week?  She's doing better, though not 100%.  Thankfully an ultrasound and an x-ray on Monday did not note any tumors or similar, so it seems that this is some combination of a UTI, pancreatitis, and kidney disease.  None of which are great, but each of which is more manageable than cancer.

Monday: 30 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 7.5 miles with a fartlek (warmed up for track workout, and then decided to push it back a day).  Followed with upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 9 miles on the track with a workout of 3x1200, 400 in 5:45, 5:38, 5:33 and then 1:52, with recoveries of 2:4x-3:0x after each 1200.  Followed with leg strengthwork. PT in the afternoon.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 5 miles very easy on trails (12:07) and 1000 yards swimming in the morning.  Foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 9 miles on the track including a 6400m tempo in 30:20 (7:43/7:36/7:33/7:28).  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 9 miles very easy (9:57) and pilates. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 14.5 miles easy to moderate (9:25) followed by injury prevention work.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Training log - Week of 9/29/2024

This week was 52 miles of running, 40 minutes of hiking, and 1000 yards of swimming -- training log is here.

This is a very late update to my weekly training log because my cat Isabella spent part of the weekend in urgent care.  She seems to be doing better now, but taking care of her took precedence over several other things, including blogging.  Hopefully she will continue to do well and I'll have more content next week.

Monday: 7 miles (9:35) and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 10 miles on the track with a workout of 6x800 in 3:55, 3:50, 3:45, 3:39, 3:36, 3:34, with recoveries of 2:3x-3:0x after the 800s, and then a relaxed 2x200 in 54 seconds each.  Followed with leg strengthwork.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 8 miles running very easy (10:05) and upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 40 minutes of hiking and 1000 yards swimming in the morning.  Pilates and foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 9 miles on the track including a tempo workout of 3200, 1600 in 15:27 (7:50/7:37) and 7:35 with 6 minutes jog between.  Followed with 4 relaxed 200s in 58, 57, 56, 57.  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 4 miles very easy (9:35) and upperbody weights/core. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 14 miles slightly progressive (starting at 10:45 and ending at 8:45), followed with injury prevention work.  Foam rolling in evening.