Sunday, October 6, 2024

Training log - week ending 10/6/2024

This week was 52 miles of running, 3 "miles" of pool-running, and 1000 yards of swimming -- training log is here.

Things were a bit jumbled this week, but I got everything done.   The jumbling started on Tuesday morning - it was a foggy morning before the sun came up, so I basically couldn't see anything.  Which meant that my balance was really tenuous.  Combine that with a right adductor/hamstring that felt a bit tight when I did my strides, and....I decided to push this workout back a day rather than risk another injury. 

[Sadly, I think the pool-running on Monday, though short and with a belt, was what triggered the adductor issue.  I'm going to have to skip pool-running for a few more weeks.]

Of course, I'm also in the midst of another round of PT sessions - once or twice a year I do several weeks in a row of intense PT focused on addressing some of my Parkinsons issues.  I actually really enjoy the PT because it's challenging, it works, and I feel like I've accomplished something after.  However, it is also tiring, both mentally and physically.  This time, I scheduled all my sessions for Tuesday afternoon, which meant that my legs were a bit tired on Wednesday morning.  I had planned on doing 3x1200, 3x400, but I ended stopping after the first 400 when it felt like I might be pushing things a bit far.

The good news about cutting Wednesday short was that I was rested for Friday.  My right leg was a bit "nervy" when I warmed up (meaning I could feel a tight string running down the back of my right leg from hamstring to calf, with some buzzing).  However, I've learned that if I gently work through "nerviness" it goes away, while resting it makes it worse.  So I warmed up carefully and then ran a 4 mile tempo and sure enough the nerviness was gone by the end, and gone on Saturday.

I planned to do a progressive long run on Sunday, but I screwed up my meds.  To explain - I take a med called Rytary several times a day to keep my muscles working decently. Each dose lasts about 4.5 hours (more if I'm not working out) and if I don't take it, my legs (especially quads and ankles) are very stiff and I have no power in my legs. 

Rytary (and all similar meds) have a quirk in that they can't be taken with protein. Basically, one's intestines use the same "gateways" (my own made up term) to absorb protein and the medication, with a preference for protein.  If you eat protein too close to a dose of Rytary, then it's the protein that gets processed while the Rytary passes through.

And of course, clever me overslept slightly this morning, so I ate my morning oatmeal, waited 30 minutes, and took my Rytary.  Forgetting that this brand of oatmeal had a fair amount of protein from chia seed and quinoa.

So...I started my long run and quickly confirmed that legs were not working well today.  I couldn't take a second Rytary because I would have risked too much in my system.  Too little just means I'm very stiff and slow; too much means that muscles are randomly contracting - which is a big injury risk when running.   So I switched my focus to getting the miles in while trying to keep my running form as good as possible.  Since I'm still building my mileage back up, it was still a productive morning.

As for Isabella, who was sick last week?  She's doing better, though not 100%.  Thankfully an ultrasound and an x-ray on Monday did not note any tumors or similar, so it seems that this is some combination of a UTI, pancreatitis, and kidney disease.  None of which are great, but each of which is more manageable than cancer.

Monday: 30 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday: 7.5 miles with a fartlek (warmed up for track workout, and then decided to push it back a day).  Followed with upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling in evening.

Wednesday: 9 miles on the track with a workout of 3x1200, 400 in 5:45, 5:38, 5:33 and then 1:52, with recoveries of 2:4x-3:0x after each 1200.  Followed with leg strengthwork. PT in the afternoon.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 5 miles very easy on trails (12:07) and 1000 yards swimming in the morning.  Foam rolling in the evening.
Friday: 9 miles on the track including a 6400m tempo in 30:20 (7:43/7:36/7:33/7:28).  Followed with leg strengthwork. Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 9 miles very easy (9:57) and pilates. Foam rolling in evening.

Sunday: 14.5 miles easy to moderate (9:25) followed by injury prevention work.  Foam rolling in evening.

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