Sunday, January 22, 2023

Training log - Week ending 1/22/2023

This week was 20 miles of running and 44 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

The first half of the week was recovery, with just social pool-running. 

 I recovered really quickly from Houston - I suspect a lot of that is because my neurological issues were the limiter rather than my aerobic system or legs. I wasn't able to max myself out, and so I bounced back faster than I would otherwise have. 

Starting on Friday morning I swapped neuro meds - I had been on the generic version of a drug called Sinemet - a blend of the drugs carbidopa and levodopa. I swapped to a drug called Rytary, which is also carbidopa and levodopa, just a higher dose and delivered as extended release (meaning it doesn't wear off as quickly). 

I have only been on Rytary a few days, but it has felt amazing from the first time I took it. I'm pushing off with my calves and toes when I run again, and my legs feel ridiculously bouncy. I can mostly tell where/when my feet are relative to the ground again, which makes running a lot easier and more enjoyable. 

 So I'm really excited. We will see what this week brings.


Monday:  9 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling at night.  

Tuesday: 6 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in evening.
Wednesday: 9 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in evening.

Thursday: 9 "miles" pool-running.  Foam rolling in evening.

Friday: Streaming yoga and 6 miles (9:37).  Foam rolling at night

Saturday: 10.5 miles (9:23), drills/hill strides, and upper body weights/core.  Foam rolling at night.

Sunday: 3.5 miles easy (9:36), drills/strides, and 11 "miles" pool-running.

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