Sunday, January 29, 2023

Training log - Week ending 1/29/2023

This week was 51 miles of running, ~1000 yards of swimming and 18 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Since my legs felt recovered from Houston, I started building back up, with some hills and a short tempo.  The Rytary (neuro drug that I started last week) seems to be working wonderfully.  Running in the dark is no longer a struggle, and I'm handling running in crowds much better than I used to.  I'm not 100% yet - I still have some issues with steeper downhills.  But I'm seeing improvement, which tells me I'm on the right track.

I've got some shorter races on the schedule for the spring, including a half-marathon in March and the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in April.  Since I've done two marathons in 3 months, I see no need to do many long runs this spring, and certainly none in the next few weeks.  Instead, I'm going to keep the mileage moderate and focus on improving my speed and gait with track intervals and tempos.  I'll substitute Iwo Jima hill workouts for long runs to give me a chance to work on my gait both up and down hill.

Monday: 10 miles on the treadmill, including 6 fake "Iwo Jima" hills (2:00 at a 2% incline and 8.7 mph; 90 second jog at 6.1 mph; 30 seconds at 9.3-9.5 mph; 60 second jog at 6.1 mph).  Followed with leg strengthwork.   Foam rolling at night. 

Tuesday: Upper body weights/core and 9 "miles" pool-running.   Foam rolling at night. 

Wednesday: Streaming yoga and 10 miles very easy (9:29) plus drills/strides.

Thursday: 9 "miles" of pool-running and upper body weights/core. Foam rolling at night. 

Friday: 10 miles, including a 5k tempo in 22:23 (7:22/7:09/7:00/0:52).  Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 yards recovery swimming.  Foam rolling at night. 

Saturday: 10 miles very easy (9:16) plus drills.  Streaming yoga and foam rolling in afternoon.

Sunday: 11 miles, including 8 real Iwo Jima hills (2:00 powerful up a 2% incline; 90-100 second jog; 40 second downhill stride; 60 seconds jog to bottom).   Followed with leg strengthwork and 500 meters recovery swimming.  Foam rolling at night. 

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