Monday, August 21, 2023

Training log - Week ending 8/20/2023

This week was 65 miles of running, 500 yards of swimming, and 18 "miles" of pool-running -- training log is here.

Just two workouts this week: Wednesday and Saturday.  Wednesday's workout looks a bit underwhelming, but that's because I was experimenting with a lower dose of the meds I take for the dystonia stuff, and I got it wrong, resulting in legs that were clumsy and heavy.  

I decided that it was worth doing the workout anyway at the proper effort level, so that's what I did.  And made some notes for next time.

Saturday's workout went much better.  I was able to find that sweet spot of marathon effort and lock into it, which was a big confidence boost.

I am still deciding between the Hoka Rocket X2 and the Puma Deviate Nitro Elite 2 for my fall marathon shoe.  I've run a marathon pace workout in each, and I go back and forth between the two.  I think that right now I'm leaning towards the Pumas, both because they have much better grip on wet pavement and because they seem more forgiving when my legs get a bit tired.  But I've got a few more weeks to decide.


Monday:  9 "miles" pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Tuesday:  9 miles easy (9:50), upper body weights/core, and then 2 miles very easy (9:44) plus strides  Foam rolling in evening.
Wednesday: 14 miles, including a track tempo workout of 4800, 3200, 1600 in 21:29 (7:15/7:09/7:05), 14:14 (7:10/7:04) and 7:05 (recoveries of 5:32 and 5:19 between).  Followed with injury prevention work.   Sports massage in evening.

Thursday: 9 "miles" pool-running and streaming yoga.  Foam rolling in evening.

Friday: 11.5 miles very easy (9:36) including some grass running, and then upperbody weights/core.  Foam rolling at night.

Saturday: 17.5 miles, including 2x5 miles at marathon effort in 37:25 (7:40/7:27/7:28/7:25/7:25) and 37:21 (7:33/7:28/7:34/7:27/7:18) with 1 mile in 8:40 between.  Followed with injury prevention work and 500 yards recovery swimming.  Foam rolling at night.

Sunday:  11 miles very easy on trails (11:20) plus hill sprints.  Foam rolling at night.

1 comment:

  1. Solid week, Cris. Looks like you really nailed that long run. I'll be interested to see what shoe you go with on race day.
